Planches à découper Parker Asahi

64 198
Parker Asahi Planche à découper 40x23x1.3 ASAHI-L
Planche à découper Parker Asahi pour usage domestique. Il a des dimensions pratiques de 40 x 23 x 1,3 cm. Poids -1,3 kg. Le matériau de la surface de la planche à découper est hygiénique et idéal pour un usage général. Ne chauffez pas. Lavage à la main recommandé. La planche peut se déformer lors du lavage au lave-vaisselle.
71,85 €
79,84 €

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Parker Asahi Anti-Bacterial cutting board 60x30x2 G103
Asahi Anti-Bacterial cutting board has dimensions 60x30x2. This is an authentic sanitary cutting board used by a lot of professional chefs. Weight is 4,6 kg. Prevents proliferation of bacteria or mold. It is durable, scratch-proof and wear-resistant.
177,82 €
197,58 €

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-10% Sold out
Parker Asahi Planche à découper en caoutchouc 60x33x0.8 AK-2
Parker Asahi Rubber cutting board is 60x33x0.8 cm. Weight-1,8 kg. This is an authentic sanitary cutting board used by a lot of professional chefs. It has a texture similar to wood and moderate elasticity so that the blade gets less damage. Board is exclusively for cutting. It is unlikely to slip even on the stainless sink and safe.
Also, it is unlikely to absorbs water and prevents proliferation of bacteria or mold. It is durable, scratch-proof and wear-resistant. It is even unlikely to be transformed by boiling sterilization and is stain/smell proof.
64,60 €
71,77 €

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-10% Sold out
Parker Asahi Professional cutting board Cookin'Cut 50x33x2 102-20
This professional cutting board Cookin'Cut has dimensions 50x33x2. This is an authentic sanitary cutting board used by a lot of professional chefs. Weight is 4,2 kg. Prevents proliferation of bacteria or mold. It is durable, scratch-proof and wear-resistant. Do not wash in the dishwasher. Do not use or store at temperatures over 90 °C or below -30 °C.
144,44 €
160,48 €

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-10% Sold out
Parker Asahi Professional cutting board Cookin'Cut 50x33x1,5 102-15
Asahi professional cutting board has dimensions 50x33x1,5. This is an authentic sanitary cutting board used by a lot of professional chefs. Weight is 3,2 kg. Prevents proliferation of bacteria or mold. It is durable, scratch-proof and wear-resistant. Do not wash in the dishwasher. Do not use or store at temperatures over 90 °C or below -30 °C.
119,76 €
133,06 €

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-10% Sold out
Parker Asahi Rubber cutting board Cookin'Cut L 40x23x1.3
Parker Asahi Rubber cutting board Cookin'Cut L is 40x23x1.3 cm. This is an authentic sanitary cutting board used by a lot of professional chefs. It has a texture similar to wood and moderate elasticity so that the blade gets less damage. Board is exclusively for cutting. It is unlikely to slip even on the stainless sink and safe. Weight-1,5 kg.
Also, it is unlikely to absorbs water and prevents proliferation of bacteria or mold. It is durable, scratch-proof and wear-resistant. It is even unlikely to be transformed by boiling sterilization and is stain/smell proof.
63,87 €
70,97 €

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-10% Sold out
Parker Asahi Rubber cutting board 50x33x0.8 AK-1
Parker Asahi Rubber cutting board is 50x33x0.8 cm. Weight-1,5 kg. This is an authentic sanitary cutting board used by a lot of professional chefs. It has a texture similar to wood and moderate elasticity so that the blade gets less damage. Board is exclusively for cutting. It is unlikely to slip even on the stainless sink and safe.
Also, it is unlikely to absorbs water and prevents proliferation of bacteria or mold. It is durable, scratch-proof and wear-resistant. It is even unlikely to be transformed by boiling sterilization and is stain/smell proof.
58,06 €
64,52 €

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Les planches à découper en caoutchouc synthétique Asahi ont été introduites en 1965. Les planches à découper professionnelles d'Asahi sont utilisées dans de nombreux restaurants du monde entier, et ce produit a également trouvé sa place dans les cuisines des chefs à la recherche de qualité. Cependant, il existe au Japon des restaurants qui utilisent encore des planches âgées de plus de 30 ans, ce qui en dit long sur la durabilité du produit. La planche est plus rigide que les planches en caoutchouc concurrentes. Cependant, la sensation de la coupe révèle qu'Asahi se rapproche davantage d'une planche en bois que d'une planche en plastique. La planche en caoutchouc synthétique contient de la poudre de bois. La planche durera très longtemps sans se rayer. La surface de la planche n'est pas glissante.