Taschenmesser CH Knives Wubu Small Blue 5.8cm
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CH knives Wubu Small Blue EDC folding knife. The blade is made from Japanese VG-10 stainless steel. Blue titanium handle scales provide a comfortable grip and a resilient build, comes with pocket clip and lanyard hole. Wubu Small Blue knife offers a remarkable combination of tactical functionality and a refined, stylish appearance. Weight is 0.74oz (21g)

CH Knives uses top of the line grinders, CNC machines and processes that are controlled and monitored on every step of the way in the making of a perfect knife. Each knife that they make, from its initial stages of design drafts to execution and the final heat treatment recipes for any of the exotic super-steel they are using or planning on using, is planned to perfection. Super steels CH Knives uses are sourced from the best dealers of US steels, CPM and Crucible are our go to mix for most of prime recipes. Choice of materials that CH Knives uses for any pocket knife is almost exclusively always a premium choice.