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Blade Length, mm
Taschenmesser Marbles Hawkbill Rams Horn 7.6cm MR384
Das Marbles Marlin Spike MR384 ist ein Klappmesser, das komfortabel zu bedienen ist und sich ideal für Camping und den täglichen Gebrauch eignet. Die Klinge besteht aus rostfreiem Stahl mit Spiegeloberfläche. Inklusive einer Fangriemenöse. Ergonomischer Griff aus G10. Die Länge des Produkts beträgt 17,7 cm.
20,08 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles 425 Grün RG2003H
Das in den USA hergestellte Grün RG2003H Paracord, das sich für verschiedene Zwecke bestens bewährt hat. Durchmesser: 3 mm. 3 innere 2-lagige Nylonstränge. Länge 15,2 m. Die Bruchfestigkeit beträgt 192 kg (425 lbs Test). Es kann zur Herstellung geflochtener Armbänder, Schlüsselbänder und Gürtel verwendet werden und wird als fertiges Produkt auch im Tourismus und für verschiedene Haushaltslösungen verwendet. Einsträngiger Nylonkern. Hergestellt in den USA. Die Farbe kann aufgrund der Farbchargen variieren.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass diese Art von Paracord nicht für den Einsatz beim Bergsteigen gedacht ist – seine Eigenschaften entsprechen nicht den Anforderungen für Kletterseile, daher wird von der Verwendung für diese Zwecke dringend abgeraten!
7,98 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles 425 Coyote RG2002H
Das in den USA hergestellte  425 Coyote RG2002H Paracord, das sich für verschiedene Zwecke bestens bewährt hat. Durchmesser: 3 mm. 3 innere 2-lagige Nylonstränge. Länge 15,2 m. Die Bruchfestigkeit beträgt 192 kg (425 lbs Test). Es kann zur Herstellung geflochtener Armbänder, Schlüsselbänder und Gürtel verwendet werden und wird als fertiges Produkt auch im Tourismus und für verschiedene Haushaltslösungen verwendet. Einsträngiger Nylonkern. Hergestellt in den USA. Die Farbe kann aufgrund der Farbchargen variieren.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass diese Art von Paracord nicht für den Einsatz beim Bergsteigen gedacht ist – seine Eigenschaften entsprechen nicht den Anforderungen für Kletterseile, daher wird von der Verwendung für diese Zwecke dringend abgeraten!
7,98 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles 425 Schwarz RG2001H
Das in den USA hergestellte Marbles 425 Black RG2001H Paracord, das sich für verschiedene Zwecke bestens bewährt hat. Durchmesser: 3 mm. 3 innere 2-lagige Nylonstränge. Länge 15,2 m. Die Bruchfestigkeit beträgt 192 kg (425 lbs Test). Es kann zur Herstellung geflochtener Armbänder, Schlüsselbänder und Gürtel verwendet werden und wird als fertiges Produkt auch im Tourismus und für verschiedene Haushaltslösungen verwendet. Einsträngiger Nylonkern. Hergestellt in den USA. Die Farbe kann aufgrund der Farbchargen variieren.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass diese Art von Paracord nicht für den Einsatz beim Bergsteigen gedacht ist – seine Eigenschaften entsprechen nicht den Anforderungen für Kletterseile, daher wird von der Verwendung für diese Zwecke dringend abgeraten!
7,18 €

In stock

Taschenmesser Marbles Marlin Spike 7cm MR551
Das Riggers MR551 von Marbles ist ein Klappmesser, das komfortabel zu bedienen ist und sich ideal für Camping und den täglichen Gebrauch eignet. Die Klinge besteht aus rostfreiem Stahl mit Spiegeloberfläche. Inklusive einer Fangriemenöse. Ergonomischer Griff aus rostfreiem Stahl. Die Länge des Produkts beträgt 17 cm.
13,63 €

In stock

Multitool Marbles Marlin Spike 6.5cm MR405
Das Marbles First Mate MR405 ist ein Klappmesser, das komfortabel zu bedienen ist und sich ideal für Camping und den täglichen Gebrauch eignet. Die Klinge besteht aus rostfreiem Stahl mit Spiegeloberfläche. Beinhaltet: – Marlon Spike (Kolben), schäkelschlüssel, schraubendreher, dosenöffner. Ergonomischer Griff aus rostfreiem Stahl. Die Länge des Produkts im geschlossenen Zustand beträgt 9,5 cm.
18,47 €

In stock

Taschenmesser Marbles Hawkbill Rams Horn 8.2cm MR364
Das Marbles Hawkbill Rams Horn MR364 ist ein Klappmesser, das komfortabel zu bedienen ist und sich ideal für Camping und den täglichen Gebrauch eignet. Die Hawkbill-Klinge besteht aus rostfreiem Stahl mit Spiegeloberfläche. Inklusive einer Fangriemenöse. Ergonomischer Griff aus Widderhorn. Die Länge des Produkts beträgt 18,4 cm.
20,08 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Green RG016H
Made of nylon, with a resistance of 250 kg, this military paracord can be used to repair, for hanging, to fix equipment ... Other advantages are that the strands of the paracord can be used for sewing, fishing or to make traps; The paracord can also be braided to provide greater strength. Quick drying and mould resistant even in marine environments.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Camo Green RG1060H
Ideal for camping, or extreme situations where the rules of survival are needed, this Marbles parachute cord or paracord is manufactured in the USA and overcomes an almost infinite number of problems. Made of nylon, with a resistance of 250 kg, this military paracord can be used to repair, for hanging, to fix equipment ... Other advantages are that the strands of the paracord can be used for sewing, fishing or to make traps; The paracord can also be braided to provide greater strength. Quick drying and mould resistant even in marine environments.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Forest Camo RG1030H
Marbles paracord 550, color: Forest Camo. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm. Paracord (also known as Parachute Cord) is a lightweight, nylon kernmantle (inner core protected by a woven outer sheath) rope originally used in the military for parachute suspension lines and utility rope. Veteran’s found thousands of other uses for paracord as time went on, including fishing line, survival gear, shoe laces, belts and so much more. 550 Paracord is one of the toughest, most dependable cords available.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Camo RG1028H
Paracord (also known as Parachute Cord) is a lightweight, nylon kernmantle (inner core protected by a woven outer sheath) rope originally used in the military for parachute suspension lines and utility rope. Veteran’s found thousands of other uses for paracord as time went on, including fishing line, survival gear, shoe laces, belts and so much more. 550 Paracord is one of the toughest, most dependable cords available. Color: Camo. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Neon Turquoise RG1027H
High-quality American-made Marbles paracord 550. Color: Neon Turquoise. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm. Parachute cord (also paracord or 550 cord when referring to type-III paracord) is a lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used in the suspension lines of parachutes. This cord is now used as a general purpose utility cord.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Navy RG014H
High-quality paracord 550 made by Marbles. Color: Navy. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm. Parachute cord (also paracord or 550 cord when referring to type-III paracord) is a lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used in the suspension lines of parachutes. This cord is now used as a general purpose utility cord.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
12,82 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Hunter Green RG1017H
Original U.S. made nylon cord by Marbles that consists of a core of threads in a woven nylon jacket. The word 'Paracord' comes from its use by American paratroopers during the Second World War. Color: Hunter Green. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,98 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Maroon RG013H
Paracord 550 made by Marbles in USA. It can be used to create braided bracelets, lanyards, belts, and is also used as a finished product in tourism and various household solutions. Color: Maroon. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Desert Camo RG115H
Marbles paracord 550 Desert Camo. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm. Parachute cord (also paracord or 550 cord when referring to type-III paracord) is a lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used in the suspension lines of parachutes. This cord is now used as a general purpose utility cord.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Desert Tan RG028H
Marbles paracord, which has proven itself well for various purposes. It can be used to create braided bracelets, lanyards, belts, and is also used as a finished product in tourism and various household solutions. Color: Desert Tan. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Brown RG027H
Paracord (also known as Parachute Cord) is a lightweight, nylon kernmantle (inner core protected by a woven outer sheath) rope originally used in the military for parachute suspension lines and utility rope. Veteran’s found thousands of other uses for paracord as time went on, including fishing line, survival gear, shoe laces, belts and so much more. 550 Paracord is one of the toughest, most dependable cords available. Color: Brown. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles White RG1010H
High-quality Marbles white paracord 550. It can be used to create braided bracelets, lanyards, belts, and is also used as a finished product in tourism and various household solutions. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,90 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Lemon-Lime RG1026H
Original U.S. made Paracord nylon cord that consists of a core of threads in a woven nylon jacket. The word 'Paracord' comes from its use by American paratroopers during the Second World War.Color: Lemon-Lime. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Lime Green RG1023H
Marbles paracord 550, color: Lime Green. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm. Paracord is one of the most versatile cords on the planet. It’s high-tech materials and construction enables it to be lightweight, strong, and compact. With an incredible 550 lb tensile strength, paracord can easily perform tasks and jobs that other similar cords cannot. One of the most important design features of paracord is the 7 inner strands of core. By pulling out the internal strands you can turn 50ft into hundreds of feet of usable cordage. All these features make it the perfect rope to daily carry, whether it’s in your backpack, vehicle, garage, or in an apparel item.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Coyote RG1024H
Paracord 550 Marbles. Color: Coyote. Original Paracord is a ''U.S. made'' nylon cord that consists of a core of threads in a woven nylon jacket. The word 'Paracord' comes from its use by American paratroopers during the Second World War. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles Black RG101H
High-quality American-made Marbles black paracord, which has proven itself well for various purposes. It can be used to create braided bracelets, lanyards, belts, and is also used as a finished product in tourism and various household solutions. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Paracord Marbles OD Green RG102H
OD Green paracord 550 by Marbles. Length 30,48m. The breaking strength is 249kg. The diameter of the paracord is 4 mm. Paracord (also known as Parachute Cord) is a lightweight, nylon kernmantle (inner core protected by a woven outer sheath) rope originally used in the military for parachute suspension lines and utility rope. Veteran’s found thousands of other uses for paracord as time went on, including fishing line, survival gear, shoe laces, belts and so much more. 550 Paracord is one of the toughest, most dependable cords available.
It is important to note that this type of paracord is not intended for use in mountaineering - its characteristics do not meet the requirements for climbing ropes, so its use for these purposes is strongly discouraged!
7,18 €

In stock

Marbles produziert Messer sowie Waren für den Tourismus und die Jagd. Marbles-Messer sind vielseitig und für zahlreiche Zwecke geeignet, vom täglichen Gebrauch bis hin zu Abenteuern im Freien. Das Sortiment von Marbles umfasst klassische Jagdmesser, Klappmesser, Paracord und mehr. Marbles bietet hervorragende Qualität zu einem erschwinglichen Preis.