Couteaux Finlandais (Puukko)


Blade Length, mm
Couteau finlandais Marttiini Korpi Annual puukko 2024 7.5cm 512024C
Le couteau annuel Korpi 2024 de Marttiini est un excellent couteau polyvalent conçu pour être utilisé dans toutes les conditions. Les créateurs ont puisé leur inspiration dans la beauté unique des forêts finlandaises. La lame est fabriquée en acier inoxydable, et le manche est fabriqué à partir de différents types de bouleau. La forme du manche assure une prise en main confortable, et la lame courte est idéale pour les tâches de précision. Chaque lame de couteau est dotée d'un numéro individuel. En raison du bois en tant que matériau naturel, chaque modèle de couteau est unique. L'ensemble comprend un étui en cuir de haute qualité. Poids : 139 g.
64,48 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Marttiini Korpi Annual puukko 2024 7.5cm 512024B
Le couteau Annual Korpi 2024 de Marttiini est un excellent couteau polyvalent conçu pour être utilisé dans toutes les conditions. Les créateurs ont puisé leur inspiration dans la beauté unique des forêts finlandaises. La lame est fabriquée en acier inoxydable, et le manche est fabriqué à partir de différents types de bouleau. La forme du manche assure une prise en main confortable, et la lame courte est idéale pour les tâches de précision. Chaque lame de couteau est dotée d'un numéro individuel. En raison du bois en tant que matériau naturel, chaque modèle de couteau est unique. L'ensemble comprend un étui en cuir de haute qualité. Poids : 139 g.
64,48 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Marttiini Cabin Chef Puukko 8cm 441010
Le pratique couteau de cuisine Cabin Chef Little Knife est un assistant de cuisine universel. Une combinaison harmonieuse de design magnifique et de praticité garantit que le couteau sera un plaisir à utiliser. La lame du couteau est en acier inoxydable de haute qualité et durable. Le manche est en bouleau finlandais traité à la chaleur. Nous recommandons le lavage à la main. Poids de 85 g. Le couteau est livré avec un étui en cuir.
44,61 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Ahti Metsä RST puukko 9.5cm 9607RST
Ahti Metsä ("forest") is traditional finnish "puukko". This version of Metsä  knife  is made of stainless steel. All Ahti knives are handmade. Ahti Metsä knife goes with leather sheath. There are only best hunting knives in MyGoodKnife's range.
46,50 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Marttiini Lynx 134 11cm 134012
Traditional Marttiini Lynx finnish puukko knife; improved look with bronze details. Excellent handling features combined with upmarket fittings make this knife a luxury item. The impressive curly birch handle combined with the superb bronze finger guard make using this knife an absolute pleasure. The beautiful tan leather sheath completes the satisfaction of owning a superb knife.
66,90 €

In stock

Marttiini Carbon Lapp knife 240/ Hiilileuku 240 13cm 240012
Pratique et beau, le Marttiini Carbon 240 est un couteau traditionnel de Laponie. Le matériau du manche est un beau bois de bouleau contrastant avec l'acier au carbone foncé. Une protection supplémentaire du manche est assurée par une couche transparente de cire. Comprend une belle gaine en cuir. La garde et le pommeau sont en laiton. Le bouleau est un matériau naturel dont la teinte et la texture varient. Chaque couteau est unique.
79,67 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Brisa Bigmuk 24cm 391
Brisa's latest Bigmuk 391 innovation is a knife that does just about anything. A design that includes two different functions for both the blade and the handle. The bulky nose gives more power in chopping tasks while the distinctive backguard on the handle secures the knife in your hand. Gripping the knife close to the blade allows you to do controlled cutting and carving utilizing the first half of the blade. The blade is made from 80cRv2 carbon steel. The handle is made of stabilized figured birch. The knife sheath is made out of 3mm thick European leather. Dyed in a beautiful brown tone that and equipped with the standard Brisa multipurpose hang loop. The sewn is made out of tick braided tiger thread, sewn in a double stitch to last a lifetime. Two eyelets, one at the top and one at the bottom allows the sheath to be securely attached to backpacks and other hunting gear.  
200,81 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Paaso Puukot Avauspuukko 084 10cm
The Paaso Avauspuukko 084 -  special skinning knife for game handling. With this opening knife, it is easy and safe to open the belly of the intestine without damaging the intestines. Handle is made from curly birch. The knife blade is 100 mm carbon steel. Carbon steel qualities:  Carbon percentage: 0,80%,  Hardening furnace: 820°C,  Discharge heat 225°C (2 hour),  Steel hardness after discharge 59 HRC.  Comes with hand made leather sheath.
37,90 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Roselli Eräpuukko Full Tang 9.5cm R100F
Cette nouvelle version du Roselli Eräpuukko R100F est livrée avec une lame pleine soie en acier au carbone et un manche en bouleau frisé enduit d'huile de lin - qui assurent une prise ferme, même lorsqu'il est mouillé. Livré avec un étui fabriqué à la main en cuir finlandais léger au tannage végétal. Ce couteau de chasse et couteau d'extérieur fabriqué à la main en Finlande a été développé à l'origine comme couteau de chasse pour les chasseurs d'orignal en Finlande et est rapidement devenu le compagnon idéal pour manipuler du gibier plus gros comme l'orignal, le sanglier et les cerfs plus gros. La conception et le profil de la lame la rendent excellente pour le dépeçage du gibier. L'acier au carbone est sensible à l'humidité et aux environnements corrosifs. Prenez l'habitude de rincer votre couteau à l'eau douce, de le sécher complètement et d'huiler régulièrement votre lame. Fabriqué, affûté et perfectionné à la main à Harmoinen, en Finlande. Chaque produit est unique. Les motifs et la texture des matériaux naturels peuvent varier. Il n’y a que les meilleurs couteaux finlandais dans la gamme MyGoodKnife.
181,45 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Roselli Carpenter Silver Bolsters 8.5cm RW210S
The Roselli Carpenter knife with silver bolsters is what a utility knife should look like in Heimo Roselli's opinion. The design is based on traditional planing knives - they are designed to work without fuss. It is a knife for both the workshop and the forest, and the thin blade has made it a popular all-round hunting companion, as it is suitable for both large and small game. The blade is made of tough UHC Steel and the handle is cut from birch, etched and coated with linseed oil for a secure grip, even when in contact with moisture. The handle also features bolsters made of the finest 925 sterling silver. Each piece is unique due to the varied texture of natural materials. Supplied in a handcrafted dark tanned leather sheath. The Roselli Carpenter knife is handcrafted, sharpened and perfected in Harmoinen, Finland.
304,84 €

Expédition après 15-25 jours ouvrables

Couteau finlandais Roselli Wootz, UHC Bear Claw 5.8cm RW231
Roselli Wootz UHC Bearclaw  RW231 is a small, but also a very versatile knife. It is suited for cutting as well as whittling and thanks to UHC-steel, the Bearclaw will maintain its sharpness when properly handled. Due to its small size, the Bearclaw fits in a pocket and is easily carried along. The handle is made from heat treated birch and coated with linseed oil to ensure a firm grip even when wet. The Bearclaw comes with a handcrafted sheath made from tanned leather.
93,55 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Korpikannel Puukko with sharpener 7.5cm
Korpikannel traditional Finnish knife. Hand forged carbon steel. Goes with hand made salmon skin sheath. Handle of Korpikannel knife is made of stabilized birch. There is small sharpener inside the handle. 
120,97 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Korpikannel Hirvenpää Acrylic Grey 9cm
Finnish handmade knife "puukko" Korpikannel 1957 with Elk head and grey handle. Bolster and decoration are made of nickel silver. Blade length is 90 mm, made of carbon steel. Handle: birch veneer and acryl. This Korpikannel Finnish knife goes with handmade salmon skin sheath. 
125,00 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Korpikannel Puukko acrylic Red/Black 9cm
Finnish handmade knife "puukko" Korpikannel with combination handle. Blade lenght is 90 mm, made of carbon steel. Handle: birch veneer and acryl. This Korpikannel finnish knife goes with handmade salmon skin sheath. A puukko is a small traditional Finnish general purpose belt knife. There are only best finnish knives in MyGoodKnife's range.
112,10 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Ahti Leuku puukko 9cm 9609
Ahti Leuku 9609 is a traditional finnish knife. This hunting knife  is made of carbon steel with vanadium (CO-83, Mn-0.57, VO-20, Cr-0.60). All Ahti knives are handmade. Ahti Leuku  knife goes with leather sheath. There are only best hunting knives in MyGoodKnife's range.
74,19 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Marttiini Unique Bone 6 6cm 559011W
Le Marttiini Bone 6 est un couteau unique avec une lame de Damas, fabriquée à partir de deux nuances d'acier différentes en fines couches. La lame est composée de 120 couches d'acier soudées ensemble sous une pression extrême et à haute température. Le résultat est une lame en acier inoxydable magnifiquement ouvragée, très dure (HRC 60), qui reste tranchante même après une utilisation prolongée. Le manche de ce couteau Marttiini unique est fabriqué à partir d'os de bois de renne. Le couteau est livré dans une boîte cadeau avec un étui en cuir. Chaque couteau Unique by Marttiini est distinctif. Ce couteau unique est fabriqué à l'usine Marttiini à Rovaniemi, en Finlande, juste au-dessus du cercle polaire arctique.
556,45 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Marttiini Classic Superflex 6 15cm 620016
Le couteau Classic Superflex de Marttiini est idéal pour le traitement des poissons pesant environ 1 kg. La lame super flexible est en acier inoxydable. Longueur totale de 27 cm. Le manche confortable est en bouleau finlandais traité thermiquement. La gravure laser sur le manche crée une surface texturée pour une prise en main plus sécurisée. Le manche est recouvert de cire protectrice. Nous recommandons le lavage à la main.
29,03 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Roselli Hunting Nalle Reindeer Antler 10.5cm RW200AL
The Roselli Hunting Knife Nalle RW200AL with reindeer antler ferrule is the same hunting knife, but with brand-new designed ergonomic handle. Created specifically for handling medium to large game. Time-tested, this knife is ideal for outdoor activities, hunting, fishing and camping. The blade is made of tough UHC (Ultra High Carbon) steel and the handle is cut from birch, etched and coated with linseed oil for a secure grip, even when in contact with moisture. The handle and the sheath also features ferrule made of a reindeer antler. Each piece is unique due to the varied texture of natural materials. Supplied in a handcrafted sheath, made of dark tanned leather and birch. The Roselli hunting knife Nalle is handcrafted, sharpened and perfected in Harmoinen, Finland.
479,84 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Roselli Grandfather's in gift box 7cm R120P
Made from forged carbon steel, the blade of Roselli Grandfather knife R120P is slightly curved to aid in skinning. The short design of the Grandfather knife enables the user to use their finger to cover the tip of the blade to avoid cutting anything accidentally. The handle is made from birch, coated with linseed oil ensuring a firm grip even when wet. The Grandfather knife comes with a handcrafted sheath made from tanned leather. This gift edition also includes a sharpening tool.
139,52 €

Expédition après 15-25 jours ouvrables

Couteau finlandais Roselli Bear Сlaw Silver Bolsters 5.5cm RW231S
The Roselli Bear Сlaw knife with silver bolsters is a short knife that is great for working with moose as well as any other sudden need in the wild. Extremely popular due to its compact size. Slightly curved back and delicate length let you use a fingertip grip when skinning game. The blade is made of tough UHC Steel and the handle is cut from birch, etched and coated with linseed oil for a secure grip, even when in contact with moisture. The handle also features bolsters made of the finest 925 silver. Each piece is unique due to the varied texture of natural materials. Supplied in a handcrafted dark tanned leather sheath. The Roselli  Bear Сlaw knife is handcrafted, sharpened and perfected in Harmoinen, Finland.
280,65 €

Expédition après 15-25 jours ouvrables

Couteau finlandais Roselli Grandfather Silver Bolsters 7.5cm RW220S
Le couteau de chasse Roselli Nalle RW200AL avec virole en bois de renne est le même couteau de chasse, mais avec un tout nouveau manche ergonomique. Créé spécifiquement pour la manipulation du gibier de taille moyenne à grande. Éprouvé par le temps, ce couteau est idéal pour les activités de plein air, la chasse, la pêche et le camping. La lame est fabriquée en acier UHC (Ultra High Carbon) résistant et le manche est découpé dans du bouleau, gravé et enduit d'huile de lin pour une prise sûre, même en contact avec l'humidité. Le manche et le fourreau comportent également une virole en bois de renne. Chaque pièce est unique en raison de la texture variée des matériaux naturels. Livré dans un étui fabriqué à la main, en cuir tanné foncé et bouleau. Le couteau de chasse Roselli Nalle est fabriqué, affûté et perfectionné à la main à Harmoinen, en Finlande.
294,35 €

In stock

Couteau finlandais Roselli Hunting Silver Bolsters 10.5cm RW200S
The Roselli Hunting Knife with silver bolsters is the perfect traveler's companion with its original design from 1976. Created specifically for handling medium to large game. Time-tested, this knife is ideal for outdoor activities, hunting, fishing and camping. The blade is made of tough UHC (Ultra High Carbon) steel and the handle is cut from birch, etched and coated with linseed oil for a secure grip, even when in contact with moisture. The handle also features bolsters made of the finest 925 sterling silver. Each piece is unique due to the varied texture of natural materials. Supplied in a handcrafted dark tanned leather sheath. The Roselli hunting knife is handcrafted, sharpened and perfected in Harmoinen, Finland.
341,94 €

Expédition après 15-25 jours ouvrables

Couteau finlandais Roselli Damascus Grandmother 5.5cm RD330P
The Roselli Grandmother knife with a damascus blade and silver bolsters is a traditional knife from the time when the elderly used their knives to chop food when they had no teeth. Today it is a loyal and dear companion, dedicated to tackling challenging woodworking and culinary work, providing complete control over small game handling. This handmade damascus blade is made from over 1000 layers of steel. The handle is cut from birch, etched and coated with linseed oil for a secure grip, even when in contact with moisture. The handle also features bolsters made of the finest 925 sterling silver. Each piece is unique due to the varied texture of natural materials. Supplied in a handcrafted dark tanned leather sheath. The Roselli Grandmother knife is handcrafted, sharpened and perfected in Harmoinen, Finland.
Supplied in a premium gift box with a diamond sharpener.
Manufactured according to an individual order.
951,61 €

Expédition après 15-25 jours ouvrables

Couteau finlandais Roselli Damascus Grandfather Silver Bolsters Gift Box 8cm RD320P
The Roselli Grandfather knife with a damascus blade and silver bolsters is a short knife that is great for working with moose as well as any other sudden need in the wild. Extremely popular due to its compact size. Slightly curved back and delicate length let you use a fingertip grip when skinning game. This handmade damascus blade is made from over 1000 layers of steel. The handle is cut from birch, etched and coated with linseed oil for a secure grip, even when in contact with moisture. The handle also features bolsters made of the finest 925 sterling silver. Each piece is unique due to the varied texture of natural materials. Supplied in a handcrafted dark tanned leather sheath. The Roselli Grandfather knife is handcrafted, sharpened and perfected in Harmoinen, Finland.
Supplied in a premium gift box with a diamond sharpener.
Manufactured according to an individual order.
1 112,90 €

Expédition après 15-25 jours ouvrables

In our store you can buy Finnish knives "puukko" and "leuku". Puukko is a traditional Northern European, mainly Finnish form of knife. One of the main types of universal fixed balde knives. The "golden Age" of puukko is considered to be the end of the XIX century. The classic Finnish knife has always been a simple tool. Compact and convenient – he was an everyday assistant to farmers. Currently, puukko is one of the most popular Finnish souvenirs. Due to its small size and short blade, puukko does not belong to cold weapons. Therefore, in our store you can order a Finnish puukko knife with delivery to any country. The blade of Finnish puukko knife is straight, of short length (60-100 mm), usually shorter than the handle. The handle is traditionally made of wood, birch is most often used, including Karelian, which has a beautiful texture. Also, the handles are made of other types of wood. Deer horn and other natural materials are used to decorate the handles.

Puukko knives, depending on their purpose, are divided into several types in Finland. The most popular are: Vuolupuukko — a knife for wood carving, Eräpuukko — a large hunting, tourist knife, Vaarinpuukko — a small hunting knife and Metsästyspuukko — a universal hunting knife.

Unlike puukko, Lapland knives "leuku" are larger and wider. It is also called a tundra or camp knife. This is a tool that can be used both for hunting and for cutting branches or household work. The Leuku has a width of about 35-40 mm. The blade usually has a length of 20 to 40 cm with a thickness of 3 to 7 mm. The handle of the leuku is usually made of wood. It is wider and more powerful than the puukko handle and resembles a barrel in shape. All Finnish puukko and leuku knives are equipped with scabbards (usually leather).

If you are looking for a useful and original gift, a Finnish knife is a great idea. In our store you can buy Finnish puukko and leuku knives from famous manufacturers: Marttiini, Ahti, Roselli, Wood Jewel and others.