Camping Geschirr

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70 124
Browning MicroBlast LED-Stiftlampe BR2123
Browning MicroBlast LED-Stiftlampe BR2123, Gesamtlänge 14 cm. Wasser- und stoßfest. Taschenlampe mit 60 lm Leistung für 2,5 Stunden. Benötigt (2) AAA-Batterien (im Lieferumfang enthalten).
25,10 €
27,89 €

In stock

Smith&Wesson Delta Force CS-Taschenlampe SWL1078455
Die Smith&Wesson Delta Force CS-Taschenlampe ist insgesamt 14,8 cm lang. Sie ist wasser- und stoßfest. Die Taschenlampe hat zwei Modi: Hoch: (175 Lumen, 2 Std. 5 Min. Laufzeit), Niedrig (10 Lumen, 24 Std. 10 Min. Laufzeit). Benötigt (2) AAA-Batterien (im Lieferumfang enthalten).
43,03 €
47,81 €

In stock

Ready Light (Micro) grau 012BRZ
Ready Light (Micro) Bronze ist insgesamt 3,2 cm groß. Stoß- und wasserfest. Die Leistung des Lichts beträgt 100 Lumen bei einer Laufzeit von 16 bis 18 Stunden. Erfordert (3) LR44-Batterien (im Lieferumfang enthalten). Aluminiumkonstruktion.
11,21 €

In stock

Ready Light (Micro) grau ist insgesamt 3,2 cm groß. Stoß- und wasserfest. Die Leistung des Lichts beträgt 100 Lumen bei einer Laufzeit von 16 bis 18 Stunden. Erfordert (3) LR44-Batterien (im Lieferumfang enthalten). Aluminiumkonstruktion.
11,21 €

In stock

Fire Escape Der rote Karabiner ODEFERED ist insgesamt 95 mm lang. Nicht für Personen geeignet. Werkzeuge: Ever l Funkenrad zum einfachen Feuermachen; auswechselbare Universalklinge; Hartmetall-Fensterbrecher; Sauerstoffflaschenschlüssel; 6-mm-Inbusschlüssel; Flaschenöffner; Feuerstahl; Karabiner. Für 56699 g Ausrüstung geeignet. Wird mit 2 Ersatzfeuerstahlstäben geliefert. Aus rostfreiem Stahl.
29,02 €

In stock

Ka-Bar Lake Effect Ice Scraper 9921
Der KA-BAR Rucksack Kaster ist ein leichtes Angelsystem, das für all Ihre Outdoor-Abenteuer entwickelt wurde. Hergestellt aus Ultramid, wiegt der Rucksack Kaster 0,25 Pfund und besteht aus drei Hauptkomponenten. Der Griff ist vom legendären KA-BAR USMC Kampf- / Gebrauchsmesser inspiriert und hat ein hohles Aufbewahrungsfach. Die Gesamtlänge des Rucksacks Kaster beträgt 6,25". Angelschnur und köder sind nicht enthalten. Der KA-BAR Rucksack Kaster hält die folgende Angelschnur: 8 Pfund = 100 Meter @ 0,011 "Durchmesser; 10 Pfund = 90 Meter @ 0,012" Durchmesser.
16,69 €
18,55 €

In stock

Ka-Bar Lake Effect Ice Scraper 9906
Ka-Bar Lake Effect Ice Scraper. Ultramid® ice scraper makes short work of cleaning ice off your windshield and can be used alternately as a self-defense tool. Features traditional Ka-bar handle.
7,65 €
8,50 €

In stock

UST Watertight First Aid Kit 26287
Das UST Learn & Live Fire 26287 Fire Starter Kit eignet sich zum Wandern, Camping, Bergsteigen, Jagen und Überleben im Freien. Das Feueranzünderset enthält alles, was Sie brauchen, um unter allen Bedingungen mit einem Eisenstab und Zunder ein Feuer zu entfachen. Gewicht: 125 g (4,4 oz). Lieferung im stoßfesten, wasserdichten Kunststoffkoffer mit Trageband und Karabiner.
14,44 €
16,05 €

In stock

Camping Geschirr Böker Magnum Balisong Black Bottle opener 09SC011
The tactical version of our popular balisong bottle openers. Featuring a black handle and stonewash finish on the bottle opener, it offers the function and look of a butterfly knife - but without the blade. The heavy duty thirst-quencher tool for pros.
16,66 €
18,51 €

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Paracord Atwood Rope Diamond ARMTRDBLK
Der Atwood Rope Tactical Rope Dispenser Schwarz ARMTRDBLK wird mit 50 Fuß (15,2 Meter) siebensträngigem Paracord geliefert. Die Farbe des Paracords kann variieren. Das schlagfeste Modell verfügt über eine Schneidklinge mit hohem Kohlenstoffgehalt. Die Verwendung des Spenders könnte nicht einfacher sein: Ziehen Sie die gewünschte Menge heraus, legen Sie das Kabel in die gewünschte Richtung in den Schneider und ziehen Sie es nach unten. Wird mit Gürtelclip geliefert.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass diese Art von Paracord nicht für den Einsatz beim Bergsteigen gedacht ist – seine Eigenschaften entsprechen nicht den Anforderungen für Kletterseile, daher wird von der Verwendung für diese Zwecke dringend abgeraten!
17,35 €
19,27 €

In stock

Maratac Titan Split Pea Feuerzeug MAR042
Komfortables,leichtes und funktionelles Feuerzeug Split Pea MAR042 von Maratac hat eine kompakte Größe und ist ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch. Dieses Feuerzeug MAR042 hat eine extrem haltbare Titankonstruktion. Diese Feuerzeuge verwenden Standard-Feuerzeugbenzin, das Sie selbst hinzufügen müssen. Dieses innovative Modell verfügt über eine Lanyard-Öffnung zur Befestigung am Schlüsselbund oder Lanyard. Kann im Notfall als Kerze verwendet werden. Abmessungen: 1,9 "x 0,5". Gewicht: 19 gr.
58,06 €
64,52 €

In stock

Maratac Titan Peanut Feuerzeug MAR041
Praktisches, leichtes, komfortables und funktionelles Feuerzeug Maratac Titanium Peanut Lighter MAR041 hat eine kompakte Größe und ist ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch. Dieses Feuerzeug MAR041 hat eine extrem haltbare Titankonstruktion. Diese Feuerzeuge verwenden Standard-Feuerzeugbenzin, das Sie selbst hinzufügen müssen. Dieses innovative Modell verfügt über eine Lanyard-Öffnung zur Befestigung am Schlüsselbund oder Lanyard. Kann im Notfall als Kerze verwendet werden. Abmessungen: 1,9 "x 0,5". Gewicht: 19 gr.
65,32 €
72,58 €

In stock

Kupilka 55 Moomins camping Teller Grün M5580G0 3055LM802
Kupilka 55 Moomins camping conifer M5580G0 is a soup bowl has a handle for good grip leaving your other hand free for the drink. Traveller’s multitool for any kind of food. Color green. Volume 550 ml. Weight 184 g . 
The ecological Kupilka dishware can withstand boiling hot water and sub-zero temperatures as cold as -30°C. The dishes can be washed by hand in the wild or in the dishwasher back home. The products are manufactured from biomaterial using EKOenergy, and each item ages beautifully yet keeping its qualities. You can check how fresh the product is from its wooden scent – the stronger the scent, the newer the product! To ensure the longevity of the dishes, we do not recommend putting them in the microwave, stove or open fire. At the end of their life span, the products can be recycled, incinerated for heat energy or returned to the manufacturer for re-use.
Best friends Moomintroll and Snufkin on an adventure. When they first meet, Moomintroll wonders why Snufkin would like to live in a place like this, to which Snufkin replies: ‘I wander about and when I find a place that I like I put up my tent and play my mouth-organ.’
21,05 €
23,39 €

In stock

Kupilka 33 Moomins camping Teller Grün M3380G0 3033LM802
Handy and beautiful Kupilka 33 Moomins camping Green M3380G0 is a soup bowl for the little adventurers. Traveller’s multitool for any kind of food. Kupilka 33 has a handle for good grip leaving your other hand free for the drink. Color green. Volume 330 ml. Weight 105 g. The ecological Kupilka dishware can withstand boiling hot water and sub-zero temperatures as cold as -30°C. The dishes can be washed by hand in the wild or in the dishwasher back home. The products are manufactured from biomaterial using EKOenergy, and each item ages beautifully yet keeping its qualities. You can check how fresh the product is from its wooden scent – the stronger the scent, the newer the product! To ensure the longevity of the dishes, we do not recommend putting them in the microwave, stove or open fire. At the end of their life span, the products can be recycled, incinerated for heat energy or returned to the manufacturer for re-use.
Best friends Moomintroll and Snufkin on an adventure. When they first meet, Moomintroll wonders why Snufkin would like to live in a place like this, to which Snufkin replies: ‘I wander about and when I find a place that I like I put up my tent and play my mouth-organ.’
20,10 €
22,34 €

In stock

Kupilka 33 Moomins camping Teller Blaubeere M3380M0 3033LM805
Kupilka 33 Moomins camping M3380M0 is a soup bowl for the little adventurers. Kupilka 33 has a handle for good grip leaving your other hand free for the drink. Traveller’s multitool for any kind of food. Color blue. Volume 330 ml. Weight 105 g . 
The ecological Kupilka dishware can withstand boiling hot water and sub-zero temperatures as cold as -30°C. The dishes can be washed by hand in the wild or in the dishwasher back home. The products are manufactured from biomaterial using EKOenergy, and each item ages beautifully yet keeping its qualities. You can check how fresh the product is from its wooden scent – the stronger the scent, the newer the product! To ensure the longevity of the dishes, we do not recommend putting them in the microwave, stove or open fire. At the end of their life span, the products can be recycled, incinerated for heat energy or returned to the manufacturer for re-use.
Best friends Moomintroll and Snufkin on an adventure. When they first meet, Moomintroll wonders why Snufkin would like to live in a place like this, to which Snufkin replies: ‘I wander about and when I find a place that I like I put up my tent and play my mouth-organ.’
20,10 €
22,34 €

In stock

Kupilka 21 Moomins camping Tasse Blaubeere M2180M0 3021LM805
The Kupilka 21 Moomins camping Cup  Blueberry M2180M0 is made of a natural fibre composite construction with three built-in ridgelines for an ergonomic shape and excellent isolation properties. The Kupilka 12 is made in Finland with zero CO2 emissions.The Moomintroll Kupilka 12 is designed for the urban adventurer with minimalistic aesthetics and a robust construction. You can use the cup to serve both hot or cold drinks with a Nordic edge. 
The ecological Kupilka dishware can withstand boiling hot water and sub-zero temperatures as cold as -30°C. To ensure the longevity of the dishes, we do not recommend putting them in the microwave, stove or open fire. At the end of their life span, the products can be recycled, incinerated for heat energy or returned to the manufacturer for re-use. The Kupilka packaging is made from recycled cardboard.
Volume 2.1 dl, Weight 83 g.
Best friends Moomintroll and Snufkin on an adventure. When they first meet, Moomintroll wonders why Snufkin would like to live in a place like this, to which Snufkin replies: ‘I wander about and when I find a place that I like I put up my tent and play my mouth-organ.’
19,42 €
21,57 €

In stock

Kupilka Snufkin 21 Tasse Grün M2160G0 3021LM602
Snufkin Kupilka 21 Green M2160G0 is a graceful cup and classic drinking vessel. Weight 83 g / 2.93 oz. Height 60 mm x width 93 mm x length 165 mm. The new era of outdoor dining started from this very cup. Already in the old times the shape of KUPILKA 21 was used due to its practicality. This cup keeps your hot drink hot without burning your fingers. Volume 2,1 dl / 7.10 fl oz. 
The ecological Kupilka dishware can withstand boiling hot water and sub-zero temperatures as cold as -30°C. The dishes can be washed by hand in the wild or in the dishwasher back home. The products are manufactured from biomaterial using EKOenergy, and each item ages beautifully yet keeping its qualities. You can check how fresh the product is from its wooden scent – the stronger the scent, the newer the product! To ensure the longevity of the dishes, we do not recommend putting them in the microwave, stove or open fire. At the end of their life span, the products can be recycled, incinerated for heat energy or returned to the manufacturer for re-use.
Snufkin is a philosophical vagabond who wanders the world fishing and playing the harmonica. He carries everything he needs in his backpack, as he believes that having too much stuff makes life overly complicated.
19,42 €
21,57 €

In stock

Kupilka Moominmamma 37 Tasse Rot M3730R0 3037LM303
The Kupilka Moominmamma 37 Cup Cranberry M3730R0 features a natural fibre composite construction with three built-in ridgelines for an ergonomic shape and excellent isolation properties. You can use the cup to serve both hot or cold drinks with a Nordic edge. The award-winning Kupilka 37 returns to its batch roots in its simplicity, where one cup is enough. First, enjoy a snack meal, and then drink tea from the same cup. After a break, the journey towards the unknown can continue! The Moomintroll Kupilka 37 is designed for the urban adventurer with minimalistic aesthetics and a robust construction. The Kupilka is made in Finland with zero CO2 emissions.
The ecological Kupilka dishware can withstand boiling hot water and sub-zero temperatures as cold as -30°C. To ensure the longevity of the dishes, we do not recommend putting them in the microwave, stove or open fire. At the end of their life span, the products can be recycled, incinerated for heat energy or returned to the manufacturer for re-use. The Kupilka packaging is made from recycled cardboard.
Volume 3.7 dl, Weight 134 g.
Moominmamma  ensures that the Moominhouse is always a safe and loving place – both for her family and for visitors. No-one is ever unhappy in Moominmamma’s company: she’s always ready to help and console. When Moominmamma wants a moment to herself, she goes out collecting shells or makes bark boats.
20,65 €
22,94 €

In stock

Kupilka Muminpappa 37 Tasse Blaubeere M3735M0 3037LM355
The Kupilka Moominpappa 37 Cup  Blueberry M3735M0 features a natural fibre composite construction with three built-in ridgelines for an ergonomic shape and excellent isolation properties. The award-winning Kupilka 37 returns to its batch roots in its simplicity, where one cup is enough. First, enjoy a snack meal, and then drink tea from the same cup. After a break, the journey towards the unknown can continue! The Moomintroll Kupilka 37 is designed for the urban adventurer with minimalistic aesthetics and a robust construction. You can use the cup to serve both hot or cold drinks with a Nordic edge. The Kupilka is made in Finland with zero CO2 emissions. 
The ecological Kupilka dishware can withstand boiling hot water and sub-zero temperatures as cold as -30°C. To ensure the longevity of the dishes, we do not recommend putting them in the microwave, stove or open fire. At the end of their life span, the products can be recycled, incinerated for heat energy or returned to the manufacturer for re-use. The Kupilka packaging is made from recycled cardboard.
Volume 3.7 dl, Weight 134 g.
Moominpappa is ready to do anything for his family. He enjoys living in Moominvalley, but is also curious and ready to try new things. Adventures are always welcome – and luckily they often come his way.
20,65 €
22,94 €

In stock

Kupilka Mumintroll Coffee 12 Tasse Blaubeere M1211M0 3012LM115
The Kupilka Moomintroll 12 Cup Blueberry M1211M0 features a natural fibre composite construction with three built-in ridgelines for an ergonomic shape and excellent isolation properties. The Kupilka 12 is made in Finland with zero CO2 emissions.The Moomintroll Kupilka 12 is designed for the urban adventurer with minimalistic aesthetics and a robust construction. You can use the cup to serve both hot or cold drinks with a Nordic edge. 
The ecological Kupilka dishware can withstand boiling hot water and sub-zero temperatures as cold as -30°C. To ensure the longevity of the dishes, we do not recommend putting them in the microwave, stove or open fire. At the end of their life span, the products can be recycled, incinerated for heat energy or returned to the manufacturer for re-use. The Kupilka packaging is made from recycled cardboard.
Volume 1.2 dl, Weight 49 g.
Moomintroll is an agreeable fellow who’s interested in everything he sees. The world is full of exciting things to investigate, but Moomintroll particularly loves collecting rocks and shells. He also loves the sea, as does the whole Moomin family. Moomintroll is a dreamer and a thinker, and the maverick vagabond Snufkin is his best friend.
“He thought how passionately he loved everything, the forest and the sea, the rain and the wind, the sunshine and the grass and the moss, and how impossible it would be to live without them.” Comet In Moominland (1946)
15,24 €
16,94 €

In stock

Kupilka Mumintroll Tasse ohne Henkel Blaubeere M3011M0 3030LM115
The Moomintroll Kupilka 30 features a natural fibre composite construction with three built-in ridgelines for an ergonomic shape and excellent isolation properties. The Kupilka 30 is made in Finland with zero CO2 emissions.The Moomintroll Kupilka 30 is designed for the urban adventurer with minimalistic aesthetics and a robust construction. You can use the cup to serve both hot or cold drinks with a Nordic edge. 
The ecological Kupilka dishware can withstand boiling hot water and sub-zero temperatures as cold as -30°C. To ensure the longevity of the dishes, we do not recommend putting them in the microwave, stove or open fire. At the end of their life span, the products can be recycled, incinerated for heat energy or returned to the manufacturer for re-use. The Kupilka packaging is made from recycled cardboard.
Volume 3.0 dl, Weight 130g, Height 116mm x width 82mm x length 82mm.
Moomintroll is an agreeable fellow who’s interested in everything he sees. The world is full of exciting things to investigate, but Moomintroll particularly loves collecting rocks and shells. He also loves the sea, as does the whole Moomin family. Moomintroll is a dreamer and a thinker, and the maverick vagabond Snufkin is his best friend.
“He thought how passionately he loved everything, the forest and the sea, the rain and the wind, the sunshine and the grass and the moss, and how impossible it would be to live without them.” Comet In Moominland (1946)
19,60 €
21,77 €

In stock

Kupilka Little My 30 Tasse ohne Henkel Cranberry M3040R0 3030LM403
The Kupilka Little My 30 is designed for the urban adventurer with minimalistic aesthetics and a robust construction. You can use the cup to serve both hot or cold drinks with a Nordic edge. The Kupilka 30 features a natural fibre composite construction with three built-in ridgelines for an ergonomic shape and excellent isolation properties. The Kupilka 30 is made in Finland with zero CO2 emissions.
Volume 3.0 dl
Weight 130g
Height 116mm x width 82mm x length 82mm
Little My is brave and fearless, and is eager to join the Moomins on their adventures. Sometimes she really seems to love small catastrophes.
She is fiery and irritable – but also happy and friendly. Small things may easily annoy her, but she never does mean things on purpose. Sometimes, when others are being overly sentimental, she brings them quickly back to earth with her acute observations.
Little My likes to find out people’s secrets, but she never reveals them to others. In spite of her wild and reckless acts, Little My is honest and reliable. She’s at home in every situation – she’s prepared for anything.
19,60 €
21,77 €

In stock

Kupilka Snufkin 30 Cup Tasse ohne Henkel Broun 3060B0 3030LM601
The Kupilka 30 Brown 3060B0 is designed for the urban adventurer with minimalistic aesthetics and a robust construction. You can use the cup to serve both hot or cold drinks with a Nordic edge. The Kupilka 30 features a natural fibre composite construction with three built-in ridgelines for an ergonomic shape and excellent isolation properties. The Kupilka 30 is made in Finland with zero CO2 emissions.
Volume 3.0 dl
Weight 130g
Height 116mm x width 82mm x length 82mm
Snufkin is a philosophical vagabond who wanders the world fishing and playing the harmonica. He carries everything he needs in his backpack, as he believes that having too much stuff makes life overly complicated.
19,60 €
21,77 €

In stock

Caliber Gourmet Bullet Shot Glass CBGLMSSHOT
Caliber Gourmet Bullet Shot Glass CBGLMSSHOT  has 60 ml capacity. Hand-sculpted 50 caliber faux bullet wedged in its side. The copper bullet is lead-free and have no gunpowder. The Bullet Shot Glass is completely safe for drinking. Hand blown glass. Bullet Shot Glass come individually packaged in a sturdy, custom-built display box ready for gifting on ny occasion.
13,06 €
14,52 €

In stock

Jedes Essen schmeckt in der Natur besser. Wenn wir wandern oder ein Picknick machen, nehmen wir sicherlich Essen und Geschirr mit. Das Wandergeschirr sollte leicht, kompakt, leicht zu transportieren und sicher sein. Und natürlich süß und angenehm im Griff – damit das Vergnügen, in der Natur zu essen, vollständig ist. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie Wanderutensilien von den besten Herstellern: Tassen, Teller, Klappbesteck und traditionelle Kekse. Einige Hersteller, wie zum Beispiel Kupilka, bieten ganze kompakte Sets an, von denen es ein Vergnügen gibt. Zu einem unvergesslichen Campingurlaub gehört eine passende Campingausrüstung: Mit dem Campinggeschirr bereitet das Kochen auf dem Campingplatz Freude und die Mahlzeiten schmecken wie zu Hause.