Yoshimi Kato

141 314
Blade Length, mm
-10% Nouveau
Bunka Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Aogami 17cm D-510OWN
Couteau de cuisine Bunka forgé à la main par Yoshimi Kato, artisan traditionnel certifié à Takefu, préfecture de Fukui au Japon. Lame - Acier au carbone Aogami avec revêtement en acier inoxydable. Longueur de la lame 170 mm. Manche - Bois de chêne avec virole en noyer. Laver à la main à l'eau tiède et sécher avec une serviette.
265,34 €
294,82 €

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Sujihiki Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Aogami Super 27cm D-907
Couteau à trancher japonais sujihiki avec lame Super Aogami finition noire fabriqué par Yoshimi Kato. Longueur de la lame 270 mm. Manche – cerisier. Pour le couteau sujihiki Yoshimi Kato Aogami Super, il est recommandé de le laver à l'eau tiède et de le sécher avec une serviette. Évitez les os, les aliments congelés, les noix et les bonbons durs ou tout autre chose que les fruits, les légumes et les protéines.
279,68 €
310,76 €

In stock

Sujihiki Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Ginsan 27cm D-707CW
Japanese slicing knife sujihiki with satin finished ginsan blade made by Yoshimi Kato. Yoshimi Kato uses Ginsan, or Silver-3, steel as the main element of this line of blades. G3 steel is well known for its excellent edge properties. Blade length 270 mm. Handle – cherrywood. For sujihiki knife Yoshimi Kato Ginsan recommended hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies or anything other than fruits, vegetables and proteins.
282,17 €
313,52 €

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Gyuto Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Ginsan 24cm D-706CW
Japanese chef knife gyuto with satin finished ginsan blade made by Yoshimi Kato. Yoshimi Kato uses Ginsan, or Silver-3, steel as the main element of this line of blades. G3 steel is well known for its excellent edge properties. Blade length 240 mm. Handle – cherrywood. For gyuto knife Yoshimi Kato Ginsan recommended hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies or anything other than fruits, vegetables and proteins.
250,40 €
278,23 €

In stock

Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Petty Nickel Damascus VG10 12cm D-1900
Petit couteau japonais forgé à la main par Yoshimi Kato, artisan traditionnel certifié à Takefu, préfecture de Fukui au Japon. La lame est fabriquée à partir de damas de nickel VG-10, 65 couches avec noyau VG-10. Longueur de la lame 120mm. Manche-bois. N'essayez pas de couper, de frapper ou de hacher des produits congelés ou des os. La lame peut s'écailler ou se casser. Laver à la main à l'eau tiède et sécher avec une serviette.
166,21 €
184,68 €

In stock

Nakiri Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Black Nickel VG-10 165 mm 16.5cm D-1903
Japanese nakiri knife. Hand forged by Yoshimi Kato who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. Blade Black Nickel VG-10. Blade length 165 mm. Handle – rosenwood. Nakiri is a vegetable knife. Do not attempt to cut, hit or chop frozen products or bones. The blade can chip or break. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry.
187,98 €
208,87 €

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Gyuto Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Hammered polished SG2 21cm D-1505
Japanese chef knife gyuto with hammered finished polished blade made by Yoshimi Kato. 21 cm blade is made of SG2. The Powder Metallurgy (PM) SG2 steel is also known as SGPS. It is manufactured by a Japanese steel manufacturer that is well known for the steels they make. The SG2 is high carbon content and a high alloy stainless steel. Handle – rosewood. For gyuto knife Yoshimi Kato recommended hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies or anything other than fruits, vegetables and proteins.
253,31 €
281,45 €

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Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Petty Aogami Super S/S clad Cherry 12cm D-900
Japanese petty D-900 handmade by Yoshimi Kato. The compact size and relatively narrow blade make this knife very manoeuvrable and controllable, and also ideal for making precise cuts. Blade is made of Aogami Super steel with stainless steel clad. Blade length 120 mm. Handle – cherrywood. For petty knife made by Yoshimi Kato recommended hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies or anything other than fruits, vegetables and proteins.
159,68 €
177,42 €

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Gyuto Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Aogami super 21cm D-505
Japanese chef knife gyuto is hand forged by Yoshimi Kato, who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. Blade is made from 3 layers with Aogami carbon steel core. Blade length 210 mm. Handle – cherrywood. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies.
218,73 €
243,03 €

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Gyuto Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Aogami super 18cm D-504
Japanese chef knife gyuto is hand forged by Yoshimi Kato, who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. Blade is made from 3 layers with Aogami carbon steel core. Blade length 180 mm. Handle – cherrywood. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies.
185,08 €
205,65 €

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Petty Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato 15cm D-1111
Petty knife hand forged by Yoshimi Kato, who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. A petty knife is a small utility designed mainly for delicate work like cutting herbs or small fruits or vegetables, you might call it an utility knife. Blade is made of Aogami super steel, stainless steel clad. Blade length 150 mm. Handle - colored red and black wood. Do not attempt to cut, hit or chop frozen products or bones. The blade can chip or break. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry.
127,02 €
141,13 €

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Nakiri Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato VG-10 Nickel Damascus 16.5cm D-613
Japanese nakiri knife hand forged by Yoshimi Kato who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. Blade VG-10 Nickel Damascus. Blade length 165 mm. Handle - red pakkawood. Nakiri is a vegetable knife. Do not attempt to cut, hit or chop frozen products or bones. The blade can chip or break. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry.
203,22 €
225,80 €

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Gyuto Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Black Nickel Damascus 21cm D-612
Japanese chef knife hand forged by Yoshimi Kato who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. Blade VG-10 Nickel Damascus, 65 layers with VG-10 core. Blade length 210 mm. Handle - red pakkawood. Do not attempt to cut, hit or chop frozen products or bones. The blade can chip or break. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry.
214,11 €
237,90 €

In stock

-10% Nouveau
Nakiri Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Aogami super 16.5cm D-502OWN
Le couteau japonais nakiri est forgé à la main par Yoshimi Kato, artisan traditionnel certifié de Takefu, préfecture de Fukui au Japon. La lame est en acier au carbone Aogami avec revêtement en acier inoxydable. Longueur de la lame 165 mm. Manche en bois de chêne avec virole en noyer. Laver à la main à l'eau tiède et sécher avec une serviette.
265,34 €
294,82 €

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Petty Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Aogami super 15cm D-501
Japanese petty knife. Hand forged by Yoshimi Kato who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. Blade is made of Aogami carbon steel with stainless steel clad. Blade length 150 mm. Handle – cherry wood. Do not attempt to cut, hit or chop frozen products or bones. The blade can chip or break. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry.
135,73 €
150,81 €

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Gyuto Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Black Nickel VG-10 24cm D-1906
Japanese chef knife gyuto hand forged by Yoshimi Kato who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. Blade VG-10 Nickel Damascus. Blade length 240 mm. Handle - rosewood. Do not attempt to cut, hit or chop frozen products or bones. The blade can chip or break. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry.
232,26 €
258,06 €

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Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Bunka Ginsan 17cm D-710
Japanese bunka knife with satin finished ginsan blade made by Yoshimi Kato. Yoshimi Kato uses Ginsan, or Silver-3, steel as the main element of this line of blades. G3 steel is well known for its excellent edge properties. Blade length 170 mm. Handle – cherrywood. For gyuto knife Yoshimi Kato Ginsan recommended hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies or anything other than fruits, vegetables and proteins.
179,28 €
199,20 €

In stock

Santoku Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Ginsan 17cm D-702CW
Santoku knife with satin finished ginsan blade made by Yoshimi Kato. Yoshimi Kato uses Ginsan, or Silver-3, steel as the main element of this line of blades. G3 steel is well known for its excellent edge properties. Blade length 170 mm. Handle – cherrywood. For santoku Yoshimi Kato Ginsan recommended hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies or anything other than fruits, vegetables and proteins.
177,82 €
197,58 €

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Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Petty 12cm D-500
Japanese utility Petty knife hand forged by Yoshimi Kato who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. Blade - Aogami carbon steel with stainless steel clad. Blade length 120 mm. Handle – cherrywood. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry.
137,18 €
152,42 €

In stock

-10% Sold out
Nakiri Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Petty Aogami Super S/S clad Cherry 16.5cm D-902
Nakiri knife made by Yoshimi Kato. Blade is made of Aogami Super steel with stainless steel clad. Blade length 165 mm. Weight 265 g. Handle – cherrywood. Recommended only hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies or anything other than fruits, vegetables and proteins.
195,24 €
216,94 €

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-10% Sold out
Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Katana Aogami Super S/S clad Cherry 16cm D-911
Japanese utility kitchen knife made by Yoshimi Kato. Blade is made of Aogami Super steel with stainless steel clad. Blade length is 160 mm. Handle – cherrywood. Recommended hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies or anything other than fruits, vegetables and proteins.
159,68 €
177,42 €

Sold out

-10% Sold out
Gyuto Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato SG2 21cm D-1605
Gyuto chef knife handmade by Yoshimi Kato, who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. The Gyuto is the Japanese version of the classic Western Chef's knife. Japanese chef knives have a reputation for their lightweight and thin blade that maintains a long edge retention. Blade is made of SG2 steel, Nashiji finished. Blade length 210 mm. Handle - rosewood. Do not attempt to cut, hit or chop frozen products or bones. The blade can chip or break. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry.
209,76 €
233,06 €

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-10% Sold out
Gyuto Couteau de cuisine Yoshimi Kato Aogami super 24cm D-506
This Japanese chef knife is hand forged by Yoshimi Kato, who is a certified traditional craftsman in Takefu, Fukui prefecture in Japan. Blade is made from Aogami carbon steel with stainless steel clad. Blade length 240 mm. Handle – cherrywood. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Avoid bones, frozen foods, nuts and hard candies.
246,77 €
274,19 €

Sold out

Yoshimi Kato est le gendre de Hiroshi Kato, l'homme qui était à l'origine l'un des membres fondateurs du village des couteliers de Takefu. Yoshimi Kato est un forgeron de renom dans la préfecture de Fukui. Dans sa quête de perfectionnement de la technologie de forgeage, il a suivi son père Hiroshi Kato pendant des années, mettant tout en œuvre pour produire des couteaux tranchants et faciles à utiliser, avant de reprendre l'entreprise familiale. Ses couteaux sont hautement estimés au Japon.