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Blade Length, mm : 123 - 123
Taschenmesser Extrema Ratio BD4 Adra 12.3cm 0410000498TMNSE
Dieses Extrema Ratio BD4 Adra Limited Edition Messer hat eine Standardklinge. Contractor version ist ebenfalls verfügbar. Der Griff besteht aus eloxierten Aluminiumschalen in der Farbe Tactical Mud. Die Klinge des BD4 Adra besteht aus Böhler N690 Stahl. Dieses Messer mit Extrema Ratio wird in einem zertifizierten IP67 wasserdichten technischen Polypropylen-Etui geliefert und enthält eine Schriftrolle, die die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart des 17. Stormo Incursori der italienischen Luftwaffe umreißt, sowie eine Metallplatte mit der fortlaufenden Nummer innerhalb der limitierten Serie.
276,48 €

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Taschenmesser Extrema Ratio BD4 Lucky Desert 12.3cm 04.1000.0497/DW
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.
Extrema Ratio BD4 Lucky is a semi-serrated folding knife with a guard. The BD4 Lucky perfectly combines the elegance of classic Italian style with the functionality of a day-to-day folding knife. The guard also acts as a flipper, and the high-speed auxiliary knife opening system makes it easy to use. The ergonomic tan-colored handle uses anodized aluminum alloy and the stonewashed streamlined blade is made from Böhler N690 cobalt steel..
168,55 €

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Taschenmesser Extrema Ratio BD4 Lucky Black 12.3cm 04.1000.0497/BLK
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.
Extrema Ratio BD4 Lucky is a folding knife with a guard and a partial serrated sharpening, made entirely in black. The guard also acts as a flipper, and the high-speed auxiliary knife opening system makes it easy to use. The BD4 Lucky perfectly combines the elegance of classic Italian style with the functionality of a EDC folding knife. The streamlined blade is made of Böhler N690 cobalt steel, and the ergonomic handle uses anodized aluminum alloy.
179,84 €

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Feststehendes Messer Helle GT 12.3cm 1036
Helle GT is a knife with a substantial guard. It is a big knife, but the lack of pommel and the use of aluminum for the guard keeps the weight down. It is an excellent choice for those who like a fairly big knife with a guard. The blade is made of 14C28N  stainless steel. Weight of Helle Gt knife is 150g. The knife comes with a snap type leather sheath.
The difference between a Helle knife and other knives are many. The biggest is that they use 3-layer laminated steel in their blades. A maximum of sharp, lasting knife edge is created by hard, high-alloy carbon steel. To keep the superior properties and also make a stainless steel and durable knife, They add a protective layer softer, stainless steel on each side to make a truly versatile and easy to maintain knife. The result is a razor sharp blade that is almost impossible to break while maintain its edge a long time. Using this method they combine the best qualities of both steels. There is no compromise in quality as they then handle them with some of the finest materials from Scandinavia.All Helle knives goes in individual boxes.
108,87 €
120,97 €

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Feststehendes Messer SOG Seal Pup Elite 12.3cm E37SN-CP
Tactical knife SOG Seal Pup Elite E37S with 12,3cm blade made of AUS-8 steel. The SEAL Pup Elite is our high performance edition to the SEAL family of products. Sometimes... we just "have to have" more horsepower, the racing suspension, and every available option including sunroof. All kidding aside- the SEAL Pup Elite is serious business and carries on the tradition of supplying the worlds elite military forces. Handle of the Seal Pup Elite made of GRN.
94,35 €
104,83 €

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Taschenmesser Extrema Ratio BD4 Adra Contractor 12.3cm 041000498TM
Extrema Ratio hat eine Sonderedition des historischen Modells BD4 – BD4 ADRA CONTRACTOR – entworfen, um den 20. Jahrestag der Gründung der Einheit 17. Stormo Incursori (einer Spezialeinheit der italienischen Luftwaffe) zu feiern. BD4 ADRA CONTRACTOR ist in einer limitierten Auflage von 70 Stück erhältlich. 
276,48 €

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