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Blade Length, mm
Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico Stock pot 14 cm Stainless 66653-140-0
Der kleine Kochtopf 66653-140-0 aus der Serie Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico hat einen Durchmesser von 14 cm. Trotzdem beweist er auf dem Herd wahre Größe. Der Topf nimmt wenig Platz ein, bietet aber viele Vorteile: der hochwertige 18/10 Edelstahl ist besonders hygienisch, robust und kratzfest. Durch den SIGMA Classic Sandwichboden mit Aluminiumkern kann mit ihm auf jeder Herdart inklusive Induktion gekocht werden. Der passgenaue Glasdeckel ermöglicht praktisches Sichtkochen. So bleibt die Hitze da, wo sie sein soll: im Innern des Kochgeschirrs. Die praktischen Griffe bleiben lange kühl, so dass der Topf jederzeit sicher bewegt werden kann. Und nach dem Kochen findet der spülmaschinengeeignete Universaltopf garantiert einen Platz in der Geschirrspülmaschine. Wenn also das nächste Mal der kleine Hunger kommt, dann ist der kleine Kochtopf genau richtig.
27,42 €

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Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico Stock pot 12 cm Stainless 66653-120-0
Der kleine Kochtopf 66653-120-0 aus der Serie Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico hat einen Durchmesser von 12 cm. Der Topf nimmt wenig Platz ein, bietet aber viele Vorteile: der hochwertige 18/10 Edelstahl ist besonders hygienisch, robust und kratzfest. Trotzdem beweist er auf dem Herd wahre Größe. Durch den SIGMA Classic Sandwichboden mit Aluminiumkern kann mit ihm auf jeder Herdart inklusive Induktion gekocht werden. Der passgenaue Glasdeckel ermöglicht praktisches Sichtkochen. So bleibt die Hitze da, wo sie sein soll: im Innern des Kochgeschirrs. Die praktischen Griffe bleiben lange kühl, so dass der Topf jederzeit sicher bewegt werden kann. Und nach dem Kochen findet der spülmaschinengeeignete Universaltopf garantiert einen Platz in der Geschirrspülmaschine. Wenn also das nächste Mal der kleine Hunger kommt, dann ist der kleine Kochtopf genau richtig.
23,39 €

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Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico Stew pot 14 cm Stainless 66652-140-0
Und mit dem Bratentopf 66652-140-0 aus der Serie Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico gelingt es auch. Das kleine Multitalent hat einen Durchmesser von 14 cm, ist aber so gut wie ein Großer. Der Universaltopf ist sehr platzsparend und übernimmt dabei die Arbeit von Pfanne und Fleischtopf: Anbraten, Saucen ansetzen und Garen kann man jetzt in nur einem Topf. Der SIGMA Classic Sandwichboden hat einen Aluminiumkern und kann die Wärme schnell und gleichmäßig verteilen sowie lange speichern. Der Fleischtopf ist induktionsgeeignet, spülmaschinengeeignet und ideal zum Braten und Schmoren von kleinen Portionen. Der passende Glasdeckel ermöglicht praktisches Sichtkochen, ohne dass man den Deckel anheben muss. Man hat jederzeit alles im Blick und spart wertvolle Energie. Der Rand ist niedriger als bei einem Kochtopf, was das Wenden und Rühren erleichtert, er ist aber höher als bei einer Pfanne, so dass man vor Spritzern geschützt ist.
23,39 €

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Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico Stew pot 12 cm Stainless 66652-120-0
Das kleine Multitalent 66652-120-0 hat einen Durchmesser von 12 cm, ist aber so gut wie ein Großer. Der Universaltopf ist sehr platzsparend und übernimmt dabei die Arbeit von Pfanne und Fleischtopf: Anbraten, Saucen ansetzen und Garen kann man jetzt in nur einem Topf. Der SIGMA Classic Sandwichboden hat einen Aluminiumkern und kann die Wärme schnell und gleichmäßig verteilen sowie lange speichern. Der Fleischtopf ist induktionsgeeignet, spülmaschinengeeignet und ideal zum Braten und Schmoren von kleinen Portionen. Der passende Glasdeckel ermöglicht praktisches Sichtkochen, ohne dass man den Deckel anheben muss. Man hat jederzeit alles im Blick und spart wertvolle Energie. Der Rand ist niedriger als bei einem Kochtopf, was das Wenden und Rühren erleichtert, er ist aber höher als bei einer Pfanne, so dass man vor Spritzern geschützt ist.
19,35 €

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Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico Milkpot Non Stick 14 cm Stainless 66650-142-0
Der beschichtete Milchtopf 66650-142-0 aus der Serie Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico hat einen Durchmesser von 14 cm. Der kleine Topf braucht nur wenig Platz im Schrank – ideal für kleine Küchen mit begrenztem Stauraum. Die Antihaftbeschichtung Duraslide Ultra sorgt dafür, dass nichts anbrennt. Damit der Simmertopf gleichmäßig warm wird, hat der SIGMA Classic Sandwichboden einen Aluminiumkern. Zusätzlich wurde hochwertiger 18/10 Edelstahl verwendet. Die Oberfläche ist sehr robust und kratzfest. Der Topf kann auf allen gängigen Herdarten inklusive Induktion verwendet werden. Immer wenn man eine kleine Portion aufwärmen möchte, ist der Milchtopf eine gute Idee. Und auch für feine Saucen ist er bestens geeignet.
23,43 €

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Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pico Milkpot 14 cm Stainless 66650-140-0
Der beschichtete Milchtopf 66650-140-0 aus der Serie Zwilling Pico hat einen Durchmesser von 12 cm. Der kleine Topf braucht nur wenig Platz im Schrank – ideal für kleine Küchen mit begrenztem Stauraum. Die Antihaftbeschichtung Duraslide Ultra sorgt dafür, dass nichts anbrennt. Damit der Simmertopf gleichmäßig warm wird, hat der SIGMA Classic Sandwichboden einen Aluminiumkern. Zusätzlich wurde hochwertiger 18/10 Edelstahl verwendet. Die Oberfläche ist sehr robust und kratzfest. Der Topf kann auf allen gängigen Herdarten inklusive Induktion verwendet werden. Immer wenn man eine kleine Portion aufwärmen möchte, ist der Milchtopf eine gute Idee. Und auch für feine Saucen ist er bestens geeignet.
23,39 €

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Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Forte Stock pot Non Stick 28 cm Grey 66563-281-0
Der elegante Kochtopf Stock pot Non Stick 66563-281-0 aus der Serie Zwilling J.A.Henckels Forte hat einen Durchmesser von 28 cm, ein Fassungsvermögen von 7,0 l und auch sonst alles, was Sie sich von einem Aluminiumtopf wünschen: Sein kalt geschmiedeter Aluminiumkern verteilt die Wärme besonders gleichmäßig und die Ti-X-Antihaftbeschichtung sorgt dafür, dass dabei nichts anbrennt. Neben seinen ausgezeichneten Antihafteigenschaften punktet der Topf aber auch mit extremer Langlebigkeit. Die zusätzliche Titan-Schicht ist kratz- und abriebfest und wird selbst durch die Verwendung von Metallkochhelfern kaum beschädigt – auch bei jahrelangem, täglichem Gebrauch. Die Ti-X-Beschichtung hält so deutlich länger als Standard-Antihaftbeschichtungen und garantiert, dass jedes Gericht einfacher gelingt.
135,48 €

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Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Forte Saucepan Non Stick 22 cm Grey 66565-221-0
Erst mit diesem Stieltopf  66565-221-0 aus der Serie Zwilling J.A.Henckels Forte ist Ihr Kochgeschirr wirklich komplett. Denn zu jedem guten Essen gehört schließlich eine gute Sauce. Oder leckere Beilagen. Und dafür ist dieser Topf mit einem Durchmesser von 22 cm und einem Fassungsvermögen von 3,8 Litern wie geschaffen. Er ist aus hochwertigem, massivem Aluminium, das in einem neuen Verfahren mit der Ti-X-Antihaftbeschichtung versiegelt wird. Und das hat gleich drei Vorteile: Der Aluminiumtopf hat hervorragende Antihafteigenschaften, beim Kochen verteilt sich die Wärme besonders gleichmäßig im Topf und er ist außergewöhnlich resistent gegen Kratzer sowie Abnutzung. Selbst bei täglichem Einsatz wird dieser Topf also viele Jahre lang ein fester Bestandteil Ihres Kochgeschirrs bleiben. Sie können sogar Küchenhelfer aus Metall verwenden – die Ti-X-Antihaftbeschichtung hält deutlich länger als Standard-Antihaftbeschichtungen. Das Einzige, was also hängen bleibt, ist der gute Eindruck. 
103,23 €

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Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Forte Saucepan Non Stick 18 cm Grey 66565-181-0
Dafür ist dieser Topf 66565-181-0 mit einem Durchmesser von 18 cm und einem Fassungsvermögen von 2,2 Litern wie geschaffen. Er ist aus hochwertigem, massivem Aluminium, das in einem neuen Verfahren mit der Ti-X-Antihaftbeschichtung versiegelt wird. Und das hat gleich drei Vorteile: Der Aluminiumtopf hat hervorragende Antihafteigenschaften, beim Kochen verteilt sich die Wärme besonders gleichmäßig im Topf und er ist außergewöhnlich resistent gegen Kratzer sowie Abnutzung. Selbst bei täglichem Einsatz wird dieser Topf also viele Jahre lang ein fester Bestandteil Ihres Kochgeschirrs bleiben. Sie können sogar Küchenhelfer aus Metall verwenden – die Ti-X-Antihaftbeschichtung hält deutlich länger als Standard-Antihaftbeschichtungen. Das Einzige, was also hängen bleibt, ist der gute Eindruck.
87,10 €

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Kochgeschirr Zwilling J.A.Henckels Forte Saucepan Non Stick 16 cm Grey 66565-161-0
Dafür ist dieser Zwilling J.A.Henckels Topf 66565-161-0 mit einem Durchmesser von 16 cm und einem Fassungsvermögen von 1,5 Litern wie geschaffen. Er ist aus hochwertigem, massivem Aluminium, das in einem neuen Verfahren mit der Ti-X-Antihaftbeschichtung versiegelt wird. Und das hat gleich drei Vorteile: Der Aluminiumtopf hat hervorragende Antihafteigenschaften, beim Kochen verteilt sich die Wärme besonders gleichmäßig im Topf und er ist außergewöhnlich resistent gegen Kratzer sowie Abnutzung. Selbst bei täglichem Einsatz wird dieser Topf also viele Jahre lang ein fester Bestandteil Ihres Kochgeschirrs bleiben. Sie können sogar Küchenhelfer aus Metall verwenden – die Ti-X-Antihaftbeschichtung hält deutlich länger als Standard-Antihaftbeschichtungen. Das Einzige, was also hängen bleibt, ist der gute Eindruck.
79,84 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Chistera 28 cm, Cherry 40511-474-0
The round multifunctional roaster from Staub’s Braiser series is well suited to cooking roasts, vegetable dishes or ratatouille. Thanks to its ability to absorb heat quickly on the cooker, the cast iron roaster is good for searing. Cast iron is well known for its long heat retention. With the beautifully designed cookware, you can serve your guests delicious, hot food throughout the entire meal. One of the most innovative developments of the lid from Staub is the Chistera drop-shaped structure in the inner lid curve which collects condensation and evenly distributes it on the food. As a result, cooking juicy, tender pieces of meat and aromatic, hearty vegetable dishes is always a success. The multi-purpose roaster was designed in the colour cherry. The rich, deep colour fits brilliantly to rustic-inspired designs and brings a touch of the original cooking tradition to the kitchen. The cast iron’s enamel coating helps improve the resilience of Staub’s cookware and also makes it easy to clean. Another advantage is that it also helps to increase the taste of food cooked in the roaster over time. The non-stick effect also facilitates low-fat frying and cooking. The roaster with the Chistera lid measures 28 cm in diameter and is suitable for all types of cookers. Use this all-rounder to cook tasty and healthy food for the whole family. Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special Chistera drip structure The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
172,58 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Universal Chistera 28 cm, grenadine 40511-513-0
The round multifunctional roaster from Staub’s Braiser series is well suited to cooking roasts, vegetable dishes or ratatouille. Thanks to its ability to absorb heat quickly on the cooker, the cast iron roaster is good for searing. Cast iron is well known for its long heat retention. With the beautifully designed cookware, you can serve your guests delicious, hot food throughout the entire meal. One of the most innovative developments of the lid from Staub is the Chistera drop-shaped structure in the inner lid curve which collects condensation and evenly distributes it on the food. As a result, cooking juicy, tender pieces of meat and aromatic, hearty vegetable dishes is always a success. The multi-purpose roaster was designed in the colour grenadine. The rich, deep colour fits brilliantly to rustic-inspired designs and brings a touch of the original cooking tradition to the kitchen. The cast iron’s enamel coating helps improve the resilience of Staub’s cookware and also makes it easy to clean. Another advantage is that it also helps to increase the taste of food cooked in the roaster over time. The non-stick effect also facilitates low-fat frying and cooking. The roaster with the Chistera lid measures 28 cm in diameter and is suitable for all types of cookers. Use this all-rounder to cook tasty and healthy food for the whole family. Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special Chistera drip structure The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
192,74 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Tajine round 28 cm, Cherry 40510-327-0
The Tajine is a traditional North African shaped vessel. For centuries, cooks have taken advantage of the natural heat retention and redistribution properties of cast iron. Staub builds on this tradition with our enamelled cast iron cookware. Black matt enamel inside and cooking surface creates a culinary advantage for better browning, braising, and roasting. Colourful cherry enamel outside adds flair to your kitchen and table. Safe for use on all types of heat sources, including gas, electric, and induction, and oven safe up to 500F. Chip resistant and dishwasher safe. Made in France.

Diameter: 28 cm
Weight: 3.4 kg
Height without lid: 6.5 cm
Height: 20 cm
Ideal for preparing traditional Moroccan dishes
Searing meat in the cast iron base
Add spices and vegetables and continue to braise in the oven covered with the ceramic lid
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
137,60 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Tajine round 20 cm, Cream 40509-394-0
The Tajine is a traditional North African shaped vessel. For centuries, cooks have taken advantage of the natural heat retention and redistribution properties of cast iron. Staub builds on this tradition with our enamelled cast iron cookware. Black matt enamel inside and cooking surface creates a culinary advantage for better browning, braising, and roasting. Colourful cream enamel outside adds flair to your kitchen and table. Safe for use on all types of heat sources, including gas, electric, and induction, and oven safe up to 500F. Chip resistant and dishwasher safe. Made in France.

Diameter: 20 cm
Weight: 1.8 kg
Height without lid: 4 cm
Height: 14 cm
Ideal for preparing traditional Moroccan dishes
Searing meat in the cast iron base
Add spices and vegetables and continue to braise in the oven covered with the ceramic lid
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
68,51 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Rectangular Terrine 30x11 cm, Schwarz 40509-575-0
Staub's rectangular terrine made of durable cast iron is a practical kitchen aid for both amateur and professional cooks. The black, elegant terrine with lid is ideal for gentle and healthy cooking of many different meals. It measures 30 x 11 cm and has a 1.45 l capacity. With its lid, it measures 12.8 cm high. Handles on the sides makes it easy to work with. The terrine's premium cast iron material stores heat and gently disperses it slowly and evenly for healthy cooking. It can be used on any type of cooker including induction hobs. This versatile cookware from the Staub Speciality range is used by top chefs such as Paul Bocuse. You too can use it to prepare gratins and other baked dishes that will impress your guests.
Classic French cuisine
For goose liver pâté, but also other recipes with meat, fish and vegetables
Glossy black inner enamelling
Pâtés can be kept for a long time
The lid has a small hole to allow steam to escape
136,29 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Special Cocotte Tomato 25 cm, Cherry 40511-774-0
The cherry-red Staub cocotte is recommended for all beginners, amateur chefs and professionals who appreciate beautiful and unusual design. Its appearance is reminiscent of a big, juicy beefsteak tomato so it is eye-catching in the kitchen and on the dining table.

This Cocotte is 25 cm in diameter and holds 2.5 litres. Like all Staub Cocottes it is made ​​of cast iron so is perfect for creating lots of different recipes. Cocottes, which originate from France, are particularly good for making stews. You will be able to create typical French dishes like beef bourguignon with ease, but the Staub Cocotte is also suitable for other stews such as goulash or casseroles.

Cast iron has the advantage that it can be heated to high temperatures and it stores the heat for a long time. It is also very hard-wearing and scratch-resistant. In the Staub cherry-red “Tomato“ Cocotte you will be able to conjure up new, delicious recipes and spoil your family and friends.
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
Artistic creation and realisation of a tomato in cast iron
Organic shapes in the kitchen
216,93 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Round Cocotte with steamer 26 cm, Dark blue 40510-604-0
Use this cocotte from the La Cocotte series to prepare different dishes at the same time. This cocotte has a steamer insert, which allows you to use the rising steam to cook vegetables at the same time. Without the steamer insert, you can also use this cocotte as a casserole dish and cook delicious meat or vegetable dishes with a range of different ingredients. The dark blue cocotte is round and has a diameter of 26 cm: it is made of cast iron with matt black enamelling on the inside. These two materials make this casserole dish outstanding for frying and slow cooking, as cast iron conducts heat very well and the enamel brings out the natural flavours of the food. The steamer insert is made of high-grade 18/10 stainless steel and has a silicone seal by means of which heat is ideally distributed. Staub cocottes can be used on all kinds of cooker, including induction hobs, or even popped in the oven with dishes that need to cook for longer. It holds 5.2 litres and is therefore perfect for when you have invited a number of guests round. Be sure to use this cocotte to serve, as its dark blue colour means that it looks equally good on the table. Use this casserole dish to serve stylishly tasty slow-cooked stews or casseroles, or even a delicious ratatouille.
Ideal for simultaneous braising and stewing, e.g. rice at the bottom and fish on top
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
241,13 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Chistera 28 cm, Dark blue 40511-476-0
The round multifunctional roaster from Staub’s Braiser series is well suited to cooking roasts, vegetable dishes or ratatouille. Thanks to its ability to absorb heat quickly on the cooker, the cast iron roaster is good for searing. Cast iron is well known for its long heat retention. With the beautifully designed cookware, you can serve your guests delicious, hot food throughout the entire meal.

One of the most innovative developments of the lid from Staub is the Chistera drop-shaped structure in the inner lid curve which collects condensation and evenly distributes it on the food. As a result, cooking juicy, tender pieces of meat and aromatic, hearty vegetable dishes is always a success.
The multi-purpose roaster was designed in the colour dark blue. The rich, deep colour fits brilliantly to rustic-inspired designs and brings a touch of the original cooking tradition to the kitchen.

The cast iron’s enamel coating helps improve the resilience of Staub’s cookware and also makes it easy to clean. Another advantage is that it also helps to increase the taste of food cooked in the roaster over time. The non-stick effect also facilitates low-fat frying and cooking. The roaster with the Chistera lid measures 28 cm in diameter and is suitable for all types of cookers. Use this all-rounder to cook tasty and healthy food for the whole family.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special Chistera drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
197,58 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Oval Cocotte 37 cm, Black 40506-370-0
This black oval cocotte is made from enamelled cast iron. This combination of material is excellent at retaining heat which it then disperses gradually and evenly. Pots of this type are therefore ideal for the slow cooking of food to prevent the loss of nutrients. Enamelled cast iron is also ideal for bringing out the aroma of food to give your meals a distinctive flavour.

Staub cocottes can be used on induction as well as any other type of hob. It is also suitable for ovens with two handles to make carrying easy. The cocotte comes with a lid with a drop structure on its underside to capture rising condensation and evenly drizzle it back over the cooking food. Extra liquid is therefore not required when using a cocotte from Staub.

The oval cocotte is 37 cm wide, 18 cm high including lid, and has a 8 l capacity. It looks stylish both in the kitchen and on the table and is popular as a serving utensil. The pot originates from France and is ideal for delicious recipes ranging from goulashes to ratatouilles.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of roasts and whole chickens
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
262,77 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Round Cocotte 30 cm, Schwarz 40509-863-0
The round black cocotte will be a highlight in the kitchen, as well as in the dining room. This dish, which was traditionally used in France to cook casseroles, can be used to prepare delicious dishes made from a wide variety of ingredients. The dish cooks meat, vegetables and other ingredients slowly and gently so that their flavours can fully develop and blend together. In the meantime, the dish also preserves the nutritional content of the food, ensuring that your meals taste great and are healthy. The black Staub cocotte has a 8.35 L capacity, a height of 19 cm and a diameter of 30 cm. Cast iron cookware is used by beginners, as well as top chefs such as Paul Bocuse as it retains heat for a long time and distributes it effectively throughout the food. This means that ingredients at the edge and in the middle of the dish are cooked evenly. A Staub La Cocotte casserole dish features matte black enamel on the inside. This enamel intensifies the natural flavour of a dish and is particularly effective for stewing and simmering food. Ideal for all heat sources, including induction hobs, this cocotte can be used to make French specialties that will be a hit with your family. Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill Intense colour through “Majolica” enamelling
282,26 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Round Cocotte 28 cm, Dark blue 40510-285-0
The round dark blue cocotte will be a highlight in the kitchen, as well as in the dining room. This dish, which was traditionally used in France to cook casseroles, can be used to prepare delicious dishes made from a wide variety of ingredients. The dish cooks meat, vegetables and other ingredients slowly and gently so that their flavours can fully develop and blend together. In the meantime, the dish also preserves the nutritional content of the food, ensuring that your meals taste great and are healthy.

The dark blue Staub cocotte has a 6.7 L capacity, a height of 18.2 cm and a diameter of 28 cm. Cast iron cookware is used by beginners, as well as top chefs such as Paul Bocuse as it retains heat for a long time and distributes it effectively throughout the food. This means that ingredients at the edge and in the middle of the dish are cooked evenly.

A Staub La Cocotte casserole dish features matte black enamel on the inside. This enamel intensifies the natural flavour of a dish and is particularly effective for stewing and simmering food. Ideal for all heat sources, including induction hobs, this cocotte can be used to make French specialties that will be a hit with your family.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
Intense colour through “Majolica” enamelling
215,56 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Round Cocotte 28 cm, Schwarz 40500-281-0
The round black cocotte will be a highlight in the kitchen, as well as in the dining room. This dish, which was traditionally used in France to cook casseroles, can be used to prepare delicious dishes made from a wide variety of ingredients. The dish cooks meat, vegetables and other ingredients slowly and gently so that their flavours can fully develop and blend together. In the meantime, the dish also preserves the nutritional content of the food, ensuring that your meals taste great and are healthy.

The black Staub cocotte has a 6.7 L capacity, a height of 18.2 cm and a diameter of 28 cm. Cast iron cookware is used by beginners, as well as top chefs such as Paul Bocuse as it retains heat for a long time and distributes it effectively throughout the food. This means that ingredients at the edge and in the middle of the dish are cooked evenly.

A Staub La Cocotte casserole dish features matte black enamel on the inside. This enamel intensifies the natural flavour of a dish and is particularly effective for stewing and simmering food. Ideal for all heat sources, including induction hobs, this cocotte can be used to make French specialties that will be a hit with your family.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
Intense colour through “Majolica” enamelling
200,19 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Round Cocotte 28 cm, Graphite grey 40509-314-0
The round graphite grey cocotte will be a highlight in the kitchen, as well as in the dining room. This dish, which was traditionally used in France to cook casseroles, can be used to prepare delicious dishes made from a wide variety of ingredients. The dish cooks meat, vegetables and other ingredients slowly and gently so that their flavours can fully develop and blend together. In the meantime, the dish also preserves the nutritional content of the food, ensuring that your meals taste great and are healthy. The graphite grey Staub cocotte has a 6.7 L capacity, a height of 18.2 cm and a diameter of 28 cm. Cast iron cookware is used by beginners, as well as top chefs such as Paul Bocuse as it retains heat for a long time and distributes it effectively throughout the food. This means that ingredients at the edge and in the middle of the dish are cooked evenly. A Staub La Cocotte casserole dish features matte black enamel on the inside. This enamel intensifies the natural flavour of a dish and is particularly effective for stewing and simmering food. Ideal for all heat sources, including induction hobs, this cocotte can be used to make French specialties that will be a hit with your family. Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill Intense colour through “Majolica” enamelling
208,87 €

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Kochgeschirr Staub Round Cocotte 28 cm, Grenadine red 40509-362-0
The round grenadine red cocotte will be a highlight in the kitchen, as well as in the dining room. This dish, which was traditionally used in France to cook casseroles, can be used to prepare delicious dishes made from a wide variety of ingredients. The dish cooks meat, vegetables and other ingredients slowly and gently so that their flavours can fully develop and blend together. In the meantime, the dish also preserves the nutritional content of the food, ensuring that your meals taste great and are healthy.

The grenadine red Staub cocotte has a 6.7 L capacity, a height of 18.2 cm and a diameter of 28 cm. Cast iron cookware is used by beginners, as well as top chefs such as Paul Bocuse as it retains heat for a long time and distributes it effectively throughout the food. This means that ingredients at the edge and in the middle of the dish are cooked evenly.

A Staub La Cocotte casserole dish features matte black enamel on the inside. This enamel intensifies the natural flavour of a dish and is particularly effective for stewing and simmering food. Ideal for all heat sources, including induction hobs, this cocotte can be used to make French specialties that will be a hit with your family.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
Intense colour through “Majolica” enamelling
220,97 €

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