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33 105
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78 240
Acero : 2CR13
Cuchillo de hoja fija United Cutlery M48 Highland Dirk 24cm UC3257
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Tactical knife United Cutlery M48 Highland Dirk is 38,1 cm overall. The 24 cm blade made of 2Cr13 stainless steel and has black oxide finish. Handle made of TPR. The Highland Sgian has lanyard Hole. Black TPU belt sheath with polyproylene inner cover.
79,11 €
87,90 €

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Cuchillo de hoja fija United Cutlery M48 Highland Sgian 13.3cm UC3154
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Tactical knife United Cutlery M48 Highland Sgian is 24,4 cm overall. The 13,3 cm blade made of 2Cr13 stainless steel and has black oxide finish. Handle made of TPR. The Highland Sgian has lanyard Hole. Black TPU belt sheath with polyproylene inner cover.
50,80 €
56,44 €

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Herramienta multiuso Böker Plus Specialist Pro 7.8cm 09BO830
El Böker Plus Specialist Pro 09BO830, equipado con varias herramientas prácticas, es una multiherramienta versátil con alicates de resorte. Está equipado con un cortador de alambre reforzado reemplazable y puede soportar cargas elevadas. Además de la superficie de agarre plana, los alicates también están equipados con un orificio para quemador para agarrar tornillos de cabeza hexagonal, tuercas de unión y tubos. Las herramientas alojadas en las dos mitades del mango se pueden abrir fácilmente y se pueden utilizar de forma especialmente segura gracias al mecanismo de bloqueo fiable. Además de los alicates combinados, la multiherramienta también está equipada con una hoja lisa, una sierra para madera, un abrelatas, un abrebotellas, un doblador/pelador de alambre, un punzón para coser/perforar, un destornillador Phillips, un destornillador plano y una lima de metal. El cuerpo del mango de acero inoxidable tiene rebajes decorativos. Con orificio para cordón, clip y riñonera de nailon de alta calidad.
30,48 €
33,87 €

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Cuchillo de hoja fija Smith&Wesson Set of 3 Black TK8BCP
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Smith & Wesson throwing set has a three black 8" overall throwing knives with sharpened tip. One piece 2Cr13 stainless construction with drilled hole and slot design. Embroidered black nylon belt sheath holds both. Weight 16 oz.
32,66 €
36,29 €

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-10% Agotado
Cuchillo de hoja fija United Cutlery M48 Cyclone Tsunami 19cm UC3437
El United Cutlery M48 Cyclone tiene una hoja espiral inusual de 190 mm de largo. la Hoja está hecha de acero inoxidable 2Cr13. Mango negro de nylon reforzado con fibra de vidrio. Incluye una funda especial para el cinturón Vortec.
93,63 €
104,03 €


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Cuchillo de hoja fija United Cutlery M48 Cyclone Tri-Edged Spiraling 20.3cm 3163
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.United Cutlery M48 Cyclone Tri-Edged Spiraling fixed. The 8” cast 2Cr13 stainless steel blade has been crafted into a spiraling masterpiece of design, using temperatures up to 1,030 degrees, which gives it a 48HC. The three spiraling cutting edges come down to an incredibly sharp piercing point. As with all M48 knives, the glass-fiber-reinforced nylon handle gives you a strong and secure grip. The Cyclone also features a solid stainless steel hand guard and glass breaker pommel. The blade slides into a custom Vortec TPR belt sheath that fits like a glove and is virtually indestructible. The fixed blade is 13 1/2” in overall length. 
87,10 €
96,77 €


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Cuchillo de hoja fija United Cutlery M48 Cyclone Push 14.6cm 3427
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United Cutlery M48 Cyclone Push dagger is 7.38" (18.75cm) overall. The dagger has 5.75" (14.61cm) two-tone finish 2Cr13 stainless blade. Black TPR handle. Twisted blade design. Black TPR belt sheath.  
50,08 €
55,65 €


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Cuchillo de hoja fija United Cutlery M48 Cyclone Boot 14.6cm 3287
El cuchillo táctico United Cutlery M48 Cyclone Boot 3287 viene con una hoja de acero inoxidable 2Cr13 con acabado bicolor. La hoja ha sido elaborada en una obra maestra de diseño en espiral, utilizando temperaturas de hasta 1030 grados, lo que le da un 48HC. Los tres bordes cortantes en espiral se reducen a un punto de perforación increíblemente afilado. Al igual que con todos los cuchillos M48, el mango de nailon reforzado con fibra de vidrio le brinda un agarre fuerte y seguro. El Cyclone también cuenta con un protector de mano de acero inoxidable sólido y un pomo para romper vidrios. La hoja se desliza en una funda de cinturón Vortec TPR personalizada que se ajusta como un guante y es prácticamente indestructible.
86,37 €
95,97 €


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Cuchillo de hoja fija United Cutlery M48 Liberator Sabotage II Combat 21.6cm 3337
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United Cutlery M48 Liberator Sabotage II Combat fixed is a part of a brand new series of tactical tools. It has a keenly sharp 2Cr13 stainless steel blade with a black oxide coating and satin finish highlighting, along with grooved sections. The layered G10 handle scales are secured to the full tang with heavy-duty screws and the handle has a lanyard hole. The 13 1/2” fixed blade knife slides securely into an injection molded TPU and nylon belt sheath, which has a snap closure strap.
68,23 €
75,81 €


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Cuchillo de hoja fija Smith&Wesson Set 3 pcs TK10CP
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Smith & Wesson throwing set has a three 10" overall throwing knives with sharpened tip. One piece 2Cr13 stainless construction with drilled hole and slot design. Embroidered black nylon belt sheath holds both. Weight 23.2 oz.
33,39 €
37,10 €


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Cuchillo de hoja fija Kershaw Ion Set 3 pcs 11.4cm KS1747BWX
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Kershaw Ion Throwing Knife Set features three knives specifically designed to be perfectly balanced for throwing. Knife is 9" overall. It has a 4.5" black wash finish double edge 2Cr13 stainless spear point blade. Black and white cord wrapped handle. Full tang. Finger ring. Black nylon belt sheath. 
42,10 €
46,77 €


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Cuchillo de hoja fija United Cutlery M48 17.4cm UC3336
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.The M48 Talon Dagger takes its design inspiration from the popular M48 Talon Survival Spear and gives you an awesome spear that will fit comfortably on your hip and in one hand. It has a 3/8" thick, 6 7/8” cast 2Cr13 stainless steel dagger blade with a black oxide coating and satin finish highlights. The G10 handle scales are securely attached to the full tang with heavy-duty screws and the handle has a paracord lanyard. The 11 5/8” fixed blade knife slides securely into an injection molded TPR and nylon belt sheath, which has a snap closure strap.
76,21 €
84,68 €
