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Tojiro Shirogami Yanagi-Sashimi knife 24 cm for left-handed. Knife for sushi and sashimi has single edged blade. Core blade by Shirogami steel, outer layer by soft iron, it is easy to re-sharpen and has good edge retention. Handle of Shirogami Yanagi-Sashimi 24 cm is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. Tojiro Shirogami carbon knives should be used carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
Sin embargo, el alto contenido de carbono hace que este cuchillo sea susceptible a la corrosión, por lo que siempre mantenga el cuchillo en un lugar limpio y seco. Una hermosa envoltura de regalo convierte un cuchillo tojiro en un maravilloso regalo. No cortar alimentos congelados o huesos.Lava tu cuchillo con agua templada y una esponja suave. Si es necesario utiliza detergente neutro. Seca completamente el cuchillo con un paño suave. Nunca lo laves en el lavavajillas. Mantén afilado tu cuchillo utilizando piedras de afilar de alta calidad y con el grit adecuado.