Couteaux Hideo Kitaoka

Blade Length, mm
Deba Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka 11 Layered Shirogami 15cm CN-4202
Couteau Deba personnalisé 150 mm. Fabriqué à la main par M. Hideo Kitaoka. Acier Shirogami, 11 couches. La lame est affûtée d'un côté. Manche en palissandre japonais, qui a une bonne résistance à l'eau et une surface lisse. Le Deba est traditionnellement utilisé pour nettoyer et fileter des poissons entiers, mais il est également couramment utilisé pour décomposer et habiller la volaille et les viandes avec de petits os. Veuillez utiliser vos couteaux en carbone avec précaution. Il n'est pas recommandé pour ces couteaux - de les laver au lave-vaisselle, de les laisser dans l'eau, de les nettoyer avec des liquides acides, de couper des fruits acides comme le citron. Séchez votre couteau à la main : cela doit être fait immédiatement après le lavage avec un torchon propre. Frottez avec de l'huile minérale. Si vous remarquez des taches de rouille, frottez une légère couche d'huile minérale et laissez sécher.
148,92 €
167,33 €

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Deba Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka 11 Layered Shirogami 16.5cm CN1203
Custom Deba knife 165 mm. Handmade by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka. Shirogami steel, 11 layers. Blade is sharpened on one side. Handle made from Japanese magnolia wood, which has good water resistance and smooth surface. Deba is traditionally used to clean and fillet whole fish, but it is also commonly used for breaking down and dressing poultry and meats with small bones. Please, use your carbon knives carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
148,92 €
167,33 €

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Deba Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka 11 Shirogami Layers 21cm CN-4205
Couteau à poisson Deba de M. Hideo Kitaoka avec la lame composée de 11 couches d'un grand acier au carbone Shirogami. Ce couteau Deba lourd de 0,5 kg a une lame de 21 cm. Manche en bois de rose naturel. Il n'est pas recommandé pour de tels couteaux - de les laver au lave-vaisselle, de les laisser dans l'eau, de les nettoyer avec des liquides acides, de couper des fruits acides comme le citron. Séchez votre couteau à la main : cela doit être fait immédiatement après le lavage avec un torchon propre. Frotter avec de l'huile minérale. Si vous remarquez des taches de rouille, frottez une légère couche d’huile minérale et laissez sécher.
228,96 €
257,26 €

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Yanagiba Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka 11 Shirogami Layers 27cm CN-4209
Yanagiba sushi-knife by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka with 11 layers of a great Shirogami carbon steel on the 27 cm blade. Handle made of a natural rosenwood. The Yanagiba is a Japanese single-beveled knife, originally designed for sushi and sashimi. Hideo Kitaoka in Takefu, Fukui Province specializes in the production of high-quality single-edged kitchen knives. Please, use your carbon knives carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
228,96 €
257,26 €

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Yanagiba Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka 11 Shirogami Layers 21cm CN-4207
Handmade yanagiba knife by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka with 11 layers of a great Shirogami carbon steel on the 21 cm blade. Handle made of a natural rosenwood. The Yanagiba is a Japanese single-beveled knife, originally designed for sushi and sashimi. Hideo Kitaoka in Takefu, Fukui Province specializes in the production of high-quality single-edged kitchen knives. Please, use your carbon knives carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
172,26 €
193,55 €

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Yanagiba Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka Shirogami 24cm CN-2208
Handmade yanagiba knife by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka with a great Shirogami carbon steel on the 24 cm blade. Handle made of a natural pakkawood. The Yanagiba is a Japanese single-beveled knife, originally designed for sushi and sashimi. Hideo Kitaoka in Takefu, Fukui Province specializes in the production of high-quality single-edged kitchen knives. Please, use your carbon knives carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
129,19 €
145,16 €

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Kiritsuke Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka 11 Layered Shirogami 27cm CN3217
Handmade kiritsuke knife by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka. Shirogami steel, 11 layers. Handle made from Japanese magnolia wood, which has good water resistance and smooth surface. Hideo Kitaoka in Takefu, Fukui Province specializes in the production of high-quality single-edged kitchen knives. Please, use your carbon knives carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
200,97 €
225,81 €

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Kiritsuke Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka 24cm CN4216
Kiritsuke knife 24 sm. Handmade by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka. Damascus blade - 11 layers of Shirogami steel. (White steel), magnolia-wood handle. Blade is sharpened on one side.
208,14 €
233,87 €

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-11% Sold out
Kiritsuke Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka Shirogami 24cm CN-22161
Kiritsuke Couteau Japonais Hideo Kitaoka Shirogami. La lame de 24 cm est en acier au carbone avec un noyau en acier Shirogami. Le manche est en bois de pakka naturel. Hideo Kitaoka à Takefu, province de Fukui, est spécialisé dans la production de couteaux de cuisine à un seul tranchant de haute qualité. Veuillez utiliser vos couteaux en carbone avec précaution. Il n'est pas recommandé pour ces couteaux de les laver au lave-vaisselle, de les laisser dans l'eau, de les nettoyer avec des liquides acides, de couper des fruits acides comme le citron. Séchez votre couteau à la main : cela doit être fait immédiatement après le lavage avec un torchon propre. Frottez avec de l'huile minérale. Si vous remarquez des taches de rouille, frottez une légère couche d'huile minérale et laissez sécher. Le couteau a une pointe arrondie.
157,90 €
177,42 €

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-11% Sold out
Kiritsuke Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka Shirogami 24cm CN-2216
Handmade single-beveled kiritsuke knife by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka. 24 cm blade is made of carbon steel with Shirogami steel core Handle made of a natural pakkawood.  Hideo Kitaoka in Takefu, Fukui Province specializes in the production of high-quality single-edged kitchen knives. Please, use your carbon knives carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
157,90 €
177,42 €

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-11% Sold out
Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka Honesuki 15cm Ao2
Handmade honesuki knife by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka. Aogami steel with iron clad. Handle made of rosenwood. The Honesuki is a Japanese style boning knife. Originally designed for poultry. Hideo Kitaoka in Takefu, Fukui Province specializes in the production of high-quality single-edged kitchen knives. Please, use your carbon knives carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
172,26 €
193,55 €

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-11% Sold out
Yanagiba Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka sushi and sashimi 27cm B-270SH
Custom Yanagi knife 27 sm. Handmade by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka. Aogami steel 2 layers. Magnolia-wood handle. Blade is sharpened on one side. A Yanagi is the iconic sushi and sashimi knife. Although it is mainly used for the preparation of fish, it can be used on all types of food.
172,25 €
193,54 €

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-11% Sold out
Yanagiba Couteau de cuisine Hideo Kitaoka sushi and sashimi 21cm C-702
Custom Yanagi knife 21 sm. Handmade by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka. Damaskus Shirogami steel, 11 layers. Magnolia-wood handle. Blade is sharpened on one side. A Yanagi is the iconic sushi and sashimi knife. Although it is mainly used for the preparation of fish, it can be used on all types of food.
172,25 €
193,54 €

Sold out

Hideo Kitaoka, situé à Takefu dans la préfecture de Fukui, est spécialisé dans la fabrication de couteaux de cuisine de haute qualité. Il est né en 1950 et a appris son métier auprès de son père à Echizen lorsqu'il était enfant. Hideo Kitaoka est un artisan traditionnel et sous-président du village des couteaux de Takefu. Il est la troisième génération de forgerons de la famille Kitaoka.