Couteaux à fruits et légumes

3 £ 289 £
Blade Length, mm
44 220
Couteau à fruits et légumes Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pro Le Blanc 10cm 1023908
Couteau de cuisine Zwilling Pro Le Blanc pour couper et éplucher les légumes et les fruits. Le couteau a une lame de 10 cm. Les couteaux Zwilling Pro Le Blanc ont un design élégant avec une mitre incurvée et des poignées blanches. L'acier Zwilling Friodur présente une combinaison bien équilibrée de chrome et de carbone. Un processus spécial de durcissement à la glace est également utilisé pour garantir la résistance à la corrosion et la flexibilité. Fabriqué à Solingen, en Allemagne.
40,09 £
44,54 £

Expédition après 10-20 jours ouvrables

Couteau à fruits et légumes Zwilling J.A.Henckels Shotoh Tanrei 10cm 1026050
Couteau d'office Zwilling Tanrei avec une lame de 10 cm. La lame a un noyau en acier F61 protégé par 48 couches d'acier inoxydable selon un motif Damas. Le couteau a un manche en Micarta en lin noir avec une mitre incurvée. La série de couteaux Zwilling Tanrei est fabriquée à Seki, au Japon.
166,92 £
185,47 £

Expédition après 10-20 jours ouvrables

Paring Couteau à fruits et légumes Seki Kanetsugu Miyabi Isshin 9cm 2000
Le Parring couteau 2000 de Seki Kanetsugu, série Miyabi Isshin, avec lame de 9 cm de long. Le beau manche très résistant est en palissandre et tient parfaitement dans la main. C'est un outil qui peut être très utile pour préparer presque n'importe quel plat. Le noyau en acier AUS-8, recouvert d'acier inoxydable SUS410 à trois couches, garantit un tranchant professionnel et un entretien facile. Les couteaux japonais Seki Kanetsugu Miyabi Isshin sont livrés dans des boîtes de marque.
21,19 £
23,55 £

In stock

Couteau Japonais Yoshimi Kato Petty Nickel Damascus VG10 12cm D-1900
Petit couteau japonais forgé à la main par Yoshimi Kato, artisan traditionnel certifié à Takefu, préfecture de Fukui au Japon. La lame est fabriquée à partir de damas de nickel VG-10, 65 couches avec noyau VG-10. Longueur de la lame 120mm. Manche-bois. N'essayez pas de couper, de frapper ou de hacher des produits congelés ou des os. La lame peut s'écailler ou se casser. Laver à la main à l'eau tiède et sécher avec une serviette.
138,67 £
154,07 £

In stock

Paring Couteau à fruits et légumes Old Hickory 10.8cm OH7065KSS
Le vieux couteau d'office en Hickory mesure 7,63" (19,4 cm) au total. Le couteau a une lame en acier inoxydable au fini satiné de 4,25" (10,8 cm). Manche en bois marron. Emballé en vrac. Fabriqué aux États-Unis.
11,51 £
12,78 £

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Paring Couteau à fruits et légumes Old Hickory Inoxidable, 2 classe 8.2cm 7070SEC
L'article est marqué par le Fabricant comme grade 2 en raison de défauts Cosmétiques mineurs. Ce couteau à légumes a une lame en acier inoxydable et un manche en bois. 6,75 pouces (17,15 cm) au total. lame au fini satiné de 3,25 pouces (8,26 cm). Fabriqué aux États-Unis.
7,27 £
8,07 £

In stock

Petty Couteau Japonais Tojiro Color 15cm F-251BK
Couteau de cuisine japonais Petty F-251BK de la série Tojiro Color d'une longueur de lame de 15 cm, conçu pour éplucher et trancher les fruits et légumes, hacher les herbes et préparer les accompagnements. La lame est en acier molybdène vanadium qui est très durable et souvent utilisé pour fabriquer des couteaux chirurgicaux. La poignée est en élastomère traité antibactérien, antidérapant et facile à saisir, très hygiénique et durable. Le modèle présente une haute résistance à la rouille et convient à un usage professionnel. Poids 55 gr.
32,70 £
36,33 £

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Petty Couteau Japonais Tojiro Color Petty 12cm F-250BK
Couteau de cuisine japonais Petty F-250BK de la série Tojiro Color, utilisé pour éplucher et trancher les fruits et légumes, hacher les herbes et préparer les accompagnements. Le manche est en élastomère traité antibactérien, antidérapant et facile à saisir, très hygiénique et durable. La lame est en acier molybdène vanadium très résistant et souvent utilisé pour fabriquer des couteaux chirurgicaux. Le modèle présente une haute résistance à la rouille et convient à un usage professionnel. Poids 50 gr.
29,07 £
32,30 £

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Le set de couteaux Opinel Primavera 4 Essentials Box 001939
Great set with 4 essential knives for kitchen: the serrated knife N°113, the parring knife N°112, the vegetable knife N°114 and the peeler N°115. The Primavera Box Set with its shades knifes will call some nature spirit in your kitchen! Paring knife, serrated knife and peeler made in France. Vegetable knife made in Portugal.
21,80 £
24,22 £

In stock

Le set de couteaux Opinel Primavera 4 Essentials Box 001709
Spring is in your kitchen! Set with 4 essential knives for your kitchen: the parring knife N°112, the serrated knife N°113, the peeler N°115 and the vegetable knife N°114. The Primavera Box Set with its green shades knifes will call some nature spirit in your kitchen!
21,80 £
24,22 £

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Couteau à fruits et légumes Miyabi 800DP Hibana Shotoh 9cm 54480-091-0
The Miyabi Hibana Shotoh 54480-091-0 of the 8000 DP series fits very well into your everyday kitchen life. It combines Japanese beauty and sharpness. Sleek black and brass spacers on the handle add to the beauty and weight that promotes sturdiness in hand and maneuverability at the tip. The MIYABI Hibana collection features a beautiful 49-layer Spark Damascus pattern on the blade that both strengthens and protects the core of FC61 steel. FRIODURx2 hardening improves the microstructure of the steel for improved cutting performance, corrosion resistance and durability. 
120,50 £
133,89 £

Expédition après 10-20 jours ouvrables

Paring Couteau à fruits et légumes Miyabi 6000MCT Artisan Shotoh 14cm 34075-141-0
Paring Vegetable knife Zwilling  Miyabi 6000MCT Artisan Shotoh 34075-141-0 is designed for the slicing, cutting and peeling of fruit, vegetables, meat. The knife is part of the MIYABI 6000MCT series and has a blade with a hammered finish and a Tsuchime look. The handle is made of premium, smooth-grained cocobolo pakka wood. A mosaic pin gives it a special design feature.
The handle will retain its shape and has easy care properties. The knife is finely balanced to make cutting an effortless and pleasurable task. The double-edged blade and Honbazuke honing give the knife its sharpness. The authentic Japanese blade profile ensures the 14 cm long shotoh is easy to use and will stay sharp. The blade is manufactured from MicroCarbide powder steel embedded between two additional steel layers. The central section achieves a hardness rating of around 63 Rockwell. The knife also undergoes special hardening procedures such as ice hardening at -196 degrees Celsius. This increases the blade's stability, flexibility, durability and robustness to provide you with a practical and sharp knife to effortlessly carry out a multitude of kitchen tasks. It's recommended to hand wash only, maintain and sharpen on a whetstone and using glass, ceramic or stone cutting boards should be avoided.
132,61 £
147,35 £

Expédition après 10-20 jours ouvrables

Paring Couteau à fruits et légumes Miyabi 5000MCD 67 Shotoh 9cm 34400-091-0
Zwilling Miyabi 5000MCD 67 Shotoh 34400-091-0 paring knife 9 cm is ideal for cutting, cleaning and peeling fruit and vegetables. The blade is constructed of micro-carbide powdered MC66 steel, which is ice-hardened to an impressive 66 HRC. This results in an exceptionally sharp and lasting edge. The blade is wrapped in 132 additional layers of steel, resulting in a beautiful flower damascus pattern. The handle of the Miyabi Black series is made from unique wood, black maple. Handcrafted in Seki, Japan. It's recommended to hand wash only, maintain and sharpen on a whetstone and using glass, ceramic or stone cutting boards should be avoided. 
199,22 £
221,36 £

Expédition après 10-20 jours ouvrables

Nakiri Couteau Japonais Spyderco Minarai 17cm SCK17PBK
Nakiri Japanese kitchen knife Spyderco Minarai K17PBK is designed by world-renowned knifemaker Murray Carter, official heir to a 420-year-old Japanese bladesmithing lineage, Spyderco’s Murray Carter Collection faithfully translates Carter’s coveted handcrafted designs into affordable factory-made kitchen cutlery. The newest additions to this proud family of knives are his Minarai Series. Literally meaning “to look and learn,” minarai is a quintessentially Japanese way of describing the role of an apprentice. In that spirit, the Minarai Series expresses five of Carter’s highly refined designs in an economical format featuring solid CTS® BD1N stainless steel blades and injection-molded polypropylene handles. A remarkable fusion of time-tested traditional designs and state-of-the-art modern materials.
Minarai Nakiri overall length 308 mm. Blade length 170 mm. Made in Japan.
119,84 £
133,15 £

In stock

Couteau à fruits et légumes Spyderco Minarai Petty 11.8cm SCK15PBK
Vegetable knife Spyderco Minarai Petty K15PBK is designed by world-renowned knifemaker Murray Carter, official heir to a 420-year-old Japanese bladesmithing lineage, Spyderco’s Murray Carter Collection faithfully translates Carter’s coveted handcrafted designs into affordable factory-made kitchen cutlery. The newest additions to this proud family of knives are his Minarai Series. Literally meaning “to look and learn,” minarai is a quintessentially Japanese way of describing the role of an apprentice. In that spirit, the Minarai Series expresses five of Carter’s highly refined designs in an economical format featuring solid CTS® BD1N stainless steel blades and injection-molded polypropylene handles. A remarkable fusion of time-tested traditional designs and state-of-the-art modern materials.
Minarai Petty overall length 8.88" (225 mm). Blade length 4.63" (118 mm). Made in Japan.
65,32 £
72,58 £

In stock

Paring Couteau à fruits et légumes Cold Steel Kitchen Classics 6.9cm 59KSPZ
The vegetable Cold Steel Paring 59KSPZ is an excellent general kitchen knife for you. Each knife is made from razor sharp cryo-quenched German 4116 Steel, for ease of re-sharpening at work or in the field. Their handles feature a stiff Zy-Ex core on the inside for durability, with a softer, food-safe Kray-Ex exterior providing a comfortable non-slip grip for hours of use. 
7,54 £
9,42 £

In stock

Couteau Japonais Tsutomu Kajiwara Petty 12cm TK-1112
 Petty knife handmade by Tsutomu Kajiwara. Blade 120 mm is made of Aogami 2 steel with iron damascus clad. Traditional japanese wooden handle. Weight about 95g. Please, use your Tsutomu Kajiwara knife carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
93,86 £
104,29 £

In stock

Couteau Japonais Tsutomu Kajiwara Petty 9cm TK-1111
Handmade japanese kitchen Petty knife by Tsutomu Kajiwara. Blade 90 mm is made of Aogami 2 steel with iron damascus clad. Traditional japanese wooden handle. Weight 80 g.
Please, use your Tsutomu Kajiwara knife carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
87,80 £
97,56 £

In stock

Nakiri Couteau Japonais Spyderco Itamae 17cm K17GPBNBK
Spyderco Itamae Nakiri Murray Carter Collection kitchen knife. Meaning "vegetable cutter," the Nakiri knife's unique rectangular shape and slightly upturned edge make it the perfect tool for precisely push-cutting all kinds of vegetables. The Nakiri's blade shape also allows its length to remain consistent after years of sharpening. Itamae literally means "in front of the cutting board," Itamae is an extremely prestigious title reserved for highly skilled sushi chefs. Consistent with that elite status, the Murray Carter Collection's Itamae Series —the highest tier in the Collection—proudly features premium materials and uncompromising craftsmanship.
The blades of Itamae Series knives are expertly crafted from laminated steel consisting of an Aogami Super Blue core clad between layers of SUS410 stainless steel. This classic three-layer construction allows the outer layers to protect and support the ultra-hard carbon-steel center layer that forms the blade's edge. Ground exceptionally thin and straight for unparalleled cutting performance. 
The elite blades of the Itamae Series are paired with traditional "wa"-style (octagonal) handles made from stunning burl G10 and highlighted with black G10 ferrules.
Created for those who demand the very best, the Itamae Series faithfully captures the spirit of Murray Carter's coveted handmade knives and sets a new standard in high-performance kitchen cutlery.
Spyderco Itamae Nakiri vegetable knife overall length 12.19" (310 mm). Blade length 17 cm. Weight 6.7 oz. (190 g). Made in Japan.
195,59 £
217,32 £

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Nakiri Couteau Japonais Spyderco Wakiita 17cm K17GP
Spyderco Wakiita Nakiri Murray Carter Collection. Meaning "vegetable cutter," the Nakiri's unique rectangular shape and slightly upturned edge make it the perfect tool for precisely push-cutting all kinds of vegetables. The knife's blade shape also allows its length to remain consistent after years of sharpening. Wakiita literally means "near the cutting board" and is a term used to refer to senior apprentices skilled enough to assist high-ranking chefs. 
The blades of Wakiita Series knives are precision ground from CTS-BD1N – a high-carbon, nitrogen-enriched stainless steel that provides a superior balance of hardness, edge holding, and corrosion resistance. Like all knives in the Murray Carter Collection, they are ground exceptionally thin and straight for superior cutting performance. 
In classic style, the knives of the Wakiita Series showcase traditional "wa-style" (octagonal) handles. Painstakingly crafted from solid black G10, a durable fiberglass and epoxy laminate, the polished handles ensure both comfort and precise control.
Wakiita Nakiri vegetable knife overall length 12.15" (309 mm). Blade length 17 cm. Weight 6.3 oz. (179 g). Made in Japan.
164,70 £
183,01 £

In stock