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Longitud de la hoja : 91 - 91
Navaja Böker Plus Poke 9.1cm 01BO637
El cuchillo táctico automático Intention II Tanto 01BO797 de Böker Plus Intention hace frente a todas las tareas de corte diarias con facilidad. La hoja está hecha de D2. El mango ergonómico está fabricado en G10 negro texturizado. El atractivo táctico queda subrayado por el tenue acabado negro lavado a la piedra de la hoja. Se suministra con un orificio para cordón y un clip (tip-down/r). Peso: 119g.
32,18 €

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Navaja Böker Plus Kwaiken Sym 9.1cm 01BO635
El Böker Plus Kwaiken Sym 01BO635 de Lucas Burnley es uno de los modelos más influyentes del siglo XXI. La exclusividad se ve acentuada por el mango con elegantes y revestimientos de G10. Se trata de una evolución del famoso Burnley Kwaiken Classic de estilo neojaponés. Con el Kwaiken Sym, el diseñador de cuchillos de Oregón armoniza la idea de simetría y armonía en el espíritu de la filosofía japonesa. El Liner Lock funciona con la misma fiabilidad y fija la hoja de una daga unilateral sobre rodamientos de bolas de 154 cm de largo con revestimiento negro. El diseño delgado y el material único hacen del Kwaiken un híbrido elegante entre un navaja de caballero y un cuchillo táctico. Viene con un estuche de nailon de alta calidad. Con clip extraíble (Tip-Up/r). Peso 123 g.
168,55 €

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Navaja Bradley Kimura Butterfly Red/Black 9.1cm BCC904
Balisong Bradley Kimura Butterfly with red and black handle. First production run. The elegant spear point blade on the Kimura sports a graceful flat grind. 154CM steel makes it a solid performer with capable edge retention and corrosion resistance. Bronze washers help ensure consistent and smooth flipping action while Torx bits allow the user to maintain their knife as they see fit. The latch is also user-reversible to accommodate any flipping style. G10 handle scales provide plenty of traction, but they can be removed with a Torx bit if desired for a cleaner look or slimmer carry. If you are looking for a new USA-made butterfly knife to add to your collection, look no further. The Kimura definitely brings the goods: good looks, good utility, and good performance.
151,53 €

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Navaja Defcon Hybrid Olive/Black 9.1cm TF3220-1
Folding knife Defcon Hybrid Olive/Black is 22,2 cm overall. 9,1 cm full edge sheepsfoot blade made of satin wash D2 tool steel. Handle of the Hybrid made of olive green titanium with black G10. Right carry only pocket clip and lanyard hole. Hybrid have frame lock system.
74,92 €

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Navaja Buck Knives Cavalier Gray 9.1cm 0264GYS-B
Buck Cavalier Grey es una navaja práctica y funcional. La hoja está fabricada en acero 7Cr17MoV. El modelo 264 Cavalier presenta una empuñadura de aluminio anodizado gris con un inserto de fibra de carbono. Un fuerte Framelock bloquea de forma segura la hoja después de abrir el cuchillo. El modelo presenta un clip de bolsillo de acero con acabado lavado a la piedra.
43,55 €

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Navaja Spyderco Rescue 3 Red Line 9.1cm 14FSBKRD3
La navaja Spyderco Rescue 3 Rojo Line 14FSBKRD3 tiene una apertura de 21 cm con hoja dentada 9,1 con acabado satinado.Creadas como un tributo a los valientes bomberos de nuestra nación, las navajas "Thin Red Line" de Spyderco son expresiones distintivas de nuestros modelos livianos de caballo de batalla.
A diferencia de la expresión estándar de este modelo, la hoja de acero inoxidable VG-10 combina la geometría de filo de baja fricción de un afilado completamente plano con el poder de corte extremo de las estrías de Spyderco. También está grabado con láser con el lema "Para servir y proteger".
Las resistentes escamas del mango de nailon reforzado con fibra de vidrio (FRN) de este cuchillo están moldeadas por inyección en negro acentuadas por un revestimiento azul brillante. Cuando se ensambla con un espaciador trasero FRN azul a juego, crea una metáfora visual convincente para la "línea azul delgada".
117,74 €

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Navaja Spyderco Rescue 3 Blue Line 9.1cm 14FSBKBL3
La navaja Spyderco Rescue 3 Azul Line 14FSBKBL3 tiene una apertura de 21 cm con hoja dentada 9,1 con acabado satinado. La "Delgada línea azul" es una referencia simbólica al papel de la aplicación de la ley como barrera que evita que la sociedad caiga en un caos violento. Para honrar el servicio y el sacrificio de los oficiales de policía de nuestra nación, Spyderco creó la serie "Thin Blue Line", que muestra este exclusivo Rescue 3 de peso ligero.

Las resistentes escamas del mango de nailon reforzado con fibra de vidrio (FRN) de este cuchillo están moldeadas por inyección en negro acentuadas por un revestimiento azul brillante. Cuando se ensambla con un espaciador trasero FRN azul a juego, crea una metáfora visual convincente para la "línea azul delgada".

A diferencia de la expresión estándar de este modelo, la hoja de acero inoxidable VG-10 combina la geometría de filo de baja fricción de un afilado completamente plano con el poder de corte extremo de las estrías de Spyderco. También está grabado con láser con el lema "Servir y proteger" para honrar el servicio y el sacrificio de los profesionales encargados de hacer cumplir la ley.
117,74 €

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Cuchillo de hoja fija CRKT Obake 9.1cm 2367
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It Says Something About You. Just Walk Away.This tactically inspired everyday carry knife with a uniquely etched blade and cord wrapped ray-skin style handle is the true epitome of cool.
Designed by Lucas Burnley of Albuquerque, NM, the Obake™ is an artful combination of a classical knife style built with modern-day materials and techniques. It's another example of Burnley's belief that knives are a personal expression of independence. And this one makes a statement when you bring it out for action.
A throwback to a classic Japanese Kwaiken design, it features a full tang fixed blade with a unique gray titanium nitride finish that's acid-etched to give each knife a distinct look. It's like he made the blade exclusively for you to throw down when the need for utility comes up.
The handle has a Katana style nylon cord wrap over a black faux ray-skin for an exceptional and secure all-weather grip. When storms or trouble are brewing, you'll be ready.
The sheath of the Obake is made from glass-reinforced nylon that provides consistent retention even in humid environments. A paracord lanyard on the sheath is designed to attach to your belt loop and keep the sheath in place when you deploy the knife. A skull bead adds a not-so-subtle accent to the paracord lanyard.
The Obake isn't looking for work, but it's ready to show up looking like a boss when it's time to get the job done.
50,00 €

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Navaja Kizer Cutlery Maestro Titanium Black 9.1cm Ki4529
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The Kizer Ginesis is a knife with a titanium handle, a decorative carbon fiber insert and a blade made of CPM-S35VN steel. It is very convenient to open the knife with a flipper, and the reliable Frame Lock is responsible for fixing the blade in the open position. This knife has a modern and sleek design with clean lines and very few sharp edges.
174,19 €

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Navaja Spyderco Kapara CF 9.1cm C241CFP
El Kapara C241CFP es la primera colaboración de Spyderco con el fabricante australiano de cuchillos personalizados Alistair Phillips. El diseño se basa en la popular carpeta Redback de Phillips y, al igual que el término "redback", toma su nombre de la araña redback (Latrodectus hasseltii), una especie de araña altamente venenosa que se encuentra en Australia, Nueva Zelanda y el sudeste asiático. La hembra adulta de espalda roja tiene un cuerpo negro esférico con una franja roja prominente en la parte superior del abdomen. Inspirándose en esta característica distintiva, las carpetas Redback hechas a mano de Phillips exhiben un espaciador rojo contrastante en el asa.
El corazón del diseño de Kapara es su hoja de acero inoxidable CPM S30V de 3.60", que es completamente plana para lograr una geometría de borde de baja fricción realmente impresionante. El perfil de la punta le da tanto un borde largo y suavemente curvado como una punta aguda y utilitaria.
El mango del Kapara presenta revestimientos completos de acero inoxidable esqueletizados que forman la base de su mecanismo de bloqueo de compresión de alta resistencia. Los revestimientos están rematados por impresionantes escamas de fibra de carbono maciza que se mecanizan meticulosamente en 3D para darles un radio sutil.
Para facilitar el transporte, el Kapara incluye un clip de alambre de bolsillo profundo reversible que se puede configurar para llevar con la punta hacia arriba en el lado izquierdo o derecho. Un orificio para cordón de gran tamaño también permite la fácil conexión de llaveros o cordones. Largo cerrado: 4.65". Largo total: 8.25". Peso: 3.4 oz.
240,24 €

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Navaja Bestech Muskie Black stonewash Beige G-10 9.1cm BG20C-2
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Muskie BG20C-2 folder is the another solid entry into Bestech's line of D2 flippers, the Muskie has all the hallmarks of a great knife. The two-tone satin and black stonewashed finished D2 tool steel blade has a classic drop point design with plenty of belly and smooth profile. The blade deploys quickly and smoothly thanks to the ceramic ball bearings in the pivot assembly that Bestech has perfected. The beige handle scales are made from durable G10 that has a smooth finish that looks great. A large finger groove and smooth bevels add to the already great ergonomics of this knife. A reversible stainless steel pocket clip and integrated lanyard hole top off the features. Overall length 8.54". Weight 4.6 oz.
48,39 €

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Navaja Bestech Muskie Beige G-10 9.1cm BG20C-1
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Muskie BG20C-1 folder is the another solid entry into Bestech's line of D2 flippers, the Muskie has all the hallmarks of a great knife. The two-tone satin and stonewashed finished D2 tool steel blade has a classic drop point design with plenty of belly and smooth profile. The blade deploys quickly and smoothly thanks to the ceramic ball bearings in the pivot assembly that Bestech has perfected. The beige handle scales are made from durable G10 that has a smooth finish that looks great. A large finger groove and smooth bevels add to the already great ergonomics of this knife. A reversible stainless steel pocket clip and integrated lanyard hole top off the features. Overall length 8.54". Weight 4.6 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Bestech Muskie Black stonewash Green G-10 9.1cm BG20B-2
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Muskie BG20B-2 folder is the another solid entry into Bestech's line of D2 flippers, the Muskie has all the hallmarks of a great knife. The two-tone satin and black stonewashed finished D2 tool steel blade has a classic drop point design with plenty of belly and smooth profile. The blade deploys quickly and smoothly thanks to the ceramic ball bearings in the pivot assembly that Bestech has perfected. The green handle scales are made from durable G10 that has a smooth finish that looks great. A large finger groove and smooth bevels add to the already great ergonomics of this knife. A reversible stainless steel pocket clip and integrated lanyard hole top off the features. Overall length 8.54". Weight 4.6 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Bestech Muskie Green G-10 9.1cm BG20B-1
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Muskie BG20B-1 folder is the another solid entry into Bestech's line of D2 flippers, the Muskie has all the hallmarks of a great knife. The two-tone satin and stonewashed finished D2 tool steel blade has a classic drop point design with plenty of belly and smooth profile. The blade deploys quickly and smoothly thanks to the ceramic ball bearings in the pivot assembly that Bestech has perfected. The green handle scales are made from durable G10 that has a smooth finish that looks great. A large finger groove and smooth bevels add to the already great ergonomics of this knife. A reversible stainless steel pocket clip and integrated lanyard hole top off the features. Overall length 8.54". Weight 4.6 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Bestech Muskie Black stonewash Black G-10 9.1cm BG20A-2
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Muskie BG20A-2 folder is the another solid entry into Bestech's line of D2 flippers, the Muskie has all the hallmarks of a great knife. The two-tone satin and black stonewashed finished D2 tool steel blade has a classic drop point design with plenty of belly and smooth profile. The blade deploys quickly and smoothly thanks to the ceramic ball bearings in the pivot assembly that Bestech has perfected. The black handle scales are made from durable G10 that has a smooth finish that looks great. A large finger groove and smooth bevels add to the already great ergonomics of this knife. A reversible stainless steel pocket clip and integrated lanyard hole top off the features. Overall length 8.54". Weight 4.6 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Bestech Muskie Black G-10 9.1cm BG20A-1
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Muskie BG20A-1 folder is the another solid entry into Bestech's line of D2 flippers, the Muskie has all the hallmarks of a great knife. The two-tone satin and stonewashed finished D2 tool steel blade has a classic drop point design with plenty of belly and smooth profile. The blade deploys quickly and smoothly thanks to the ceramic ball bearings in the pivot assembly that Bestech has perfected. The black handle scales are made from durable G10 that has a smooth finish that looks great. A large finger groove and smooth bevels add to the already great ergonomics of this knife. A reversible stainless steel pocket clip and integrated lanyard hole top off the features. Overall length 8.54". Weight 4.6 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Al Mar SERE 2020 A/O 9.1cm 2210
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Al Mar SERE 2020 folder G Series is world renown as one of the strongest tactical folders in existence. Originally designed by Al Mar and Colonel Nick Rowe in the early 1980s for the U.S. Army’s SERE school, today’s updated models are stronger and the most precisely crafted versions they've ever made. The SERE 2020 features OD green FRN handles, pillar construction, flow-through design, and Al Mar's left/right reversible deep carry pocket clip that provides a discrete way of carrying the knife and delivers the kind of performance you need in the real world. The blade 3.6 " made of 8Cr13MoV steel, satin finish. Pivot assembly is Spring Assisted! Overall length 8.375 " Weight 5.1 oz.
64,52 €

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Navaja Bestech Paladin Tanto Black stonewash Orange G-10 9.1cm BG16C-2
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Paladin BG16C-2 folder is a full-size flipper design from Bestech Knives. It is part of their G10 lineup of knives that offer great designs at an excellent price and its shape and size make it so you'll want to carry it and use it every day. The 3.58" tanto blade is made from D2 tool steel with a two-tone satin and black stonewashed finish. The action riding on ball bearings is buttery smooth and the lockup is nice and tight. The ergonomic orange handle is made from contoured G10. The shape and the thumb ramp are perfectly executed for comfortable extended cutting tasks. The pocket clip is stainless steel and set up for right-hand tip-up carry. Overall length 8.35". Weight 4.2 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Bestech Paladin Tanto Orange G-10 9.1cm BG16C-1
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Paladin BG16C-1 folder is a full-size flipper design from Bestech Knives. It is part of their G10 lineup of knives that offer great designs at an excellent price and its shape and size make it so you'll want to carry it and use it every day. The 3.58" tanto blade is made from D2 tool steel with a two-tone finish. The action riding on ball bearings is buttery smooth and the lockup is nice and tight. The ergonomic orange handle is made from contoured G10. The shape and the thumb ramp are perfectly executed for comfortable extended cutting tasks. The pocket clip is stainless steel and set up for right-hand tip-up carry. Overall length 8.35". Weight 4.2 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Bestech Paladin Tanto Black stonewash Beige G-10 9.1cm BG16B-2
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Paladin BG16B-2 folder is a full-size flipper design from Bestech Knives. It is part of their G10 lineup of knives that offer great designs at an excellent price and its shape and size make it so you'll want to carry it and use it every day. The 3.58" tanto blade is made from D2 tool steel with a two-tone satin and black stonewashed finish. The action riding on ball bearings is buttery smooth and the lockup is nice and tight. The ergonomic beige handle is made from contoured G10. The shape and the thumb ramp are perfectly executed for comfortable extended cutting tasks. The pocket clip is stainless steel and set up for right-hand tip-up carry. Overall length 8.35". Weight 4.2 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Bestech Paladin Tanto Beige G-10 9.1cm BG16B-1
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Paladin BG16B-1 folder is a full-size flipper design from Bestech Knives. It is part of their G10 lineup of knives that offer great designs at an excellent price and its shape and size make it so you'll want to carry it and use it every day. The 3.58" tanto blade is made from D2 tool steel with a two-tone finish. The action riding on ball bearings is buttery smooth and the lockup is nice and tight. The ergonomic beige handle is made from contoured G10. The shape and the thumb ramp are perfectly executed for comfortable extended cutting tasks. The pocket clip is stainless steel and set up for right-hand tip-up carry. Overall length 8.35". Weight 4.2 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Bestech Paladin Tanto Black stonewash Black G-10 9.1cm BG16A-2
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Paladin BG16A-2 folder is a full-size flipper design from Bestech Knives. It is part of their G10 lineup of knives that offer great designs at an excellent price and its shape and size make it so you'll want to carry it and use it every day. The 3.58" tanto blade is made from D2 tool steel with a two-tone satin and black stonewashed finish. The action riding on ball bearings is buttery smooth and the lockup is nice and tight. The ergonomic black handle is made from contoured G10. The shape and the thumb ramp are perfectly executed for comfortable extended cutting tasks. The pocket clip is stainless steel and set up for right-hand tip-up carry. Overall length 8.35". Weight 4.2 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Bestech Paladin Tanto Black G-10 9.1cm BG16A-1
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Paladin BG16A-1 folder is a full-size flipper design from Bestech Knives. It is part of their G10 lineup of knives that offer great designs at an excellent price and its shape and size make it so you'll want to carry it and use it every day. The 3.58" tanto blade is made from D2 tool steel with a two-tone finish. The action riding on ball bearings is buttery smooth and the lockup is nice and tight. The ergonomic black handle is made from contoured G10. The shape and the thumb ramp are perfectly executed for comfortable extended cutting tasks. The pocket clip is stainless steel and set up for right-hand tip-up carry. Overall length 8.35". Weight 4.2 oz.
45,97 €

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Navaja Ontario RAT-1 Coyote Brown Handle 9.1cm 8849CB
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Ontario RAT- 1 folder 8849CB from Randall's Adventure Training is a folding EDC knife that can withstand hard use and abuse associated with tactical or survival tasks. For the money, there might not be a better knife on that market that can match the performance of the RAT Model 1. It features an ergonomic coyote brown handle with smooth action and rock-solid lockup. The four-position pocket clip allows the user to customize their carry method to their liking. The knife has a off-set satin combo blade from the handle, which creates a unique look and distinguishes it from all the rest. The blade is serrated partly. Whether you need to add a new knife to your EDC rotation (or you think it would make a great fit for a survivalist, serviceman or woman, or a true friend), rest assured you're making the right choice when you go with an Ontario RAT Model 1.
Blade length 3.6". Overall length 8.62". Closed length 5". Weight 5.0 oz
41,93 €

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