

Cuchillos de Cocina

La cocina es uno de los lugares más importantes de cualquier hogar, que a diferencia de otras áreas del hogar, conviene mantener bien equipada para nuestras necesidades y las de nuestra familia, pues una preparación eficiente de los alimentos ahorra tiempo, permite un mayor rango de recetas y, simplemente hace para muchos de nosotros de la hora de comer uno de los momentos favoritos del día. Es por ello que en MyGoodKnife te ofrecemos una gran cantidad de menaje para equipar tu cocina. Utensilios de corte: básicamente cuchillos de cocina, en donde podemos encontrar diferentes gamas con variedad de precios según su marca y tipo de uso. Al elegir un cuchillo nuevo para la cocina, preste atención al acero y los materiales del mango. Por ejemplo, un cuchillo de cocina hecho de acero al carbono permanecerá afilado por más tiempo que un cuchillo de acero inoxidable, pero requerirá más cuidado. Al elegir entre un cuchillo de cocina japonés y europeo, recuerde que los cuchillos japoneses son más livianos y también tienen otro ángulo de afilado. Si el cuchillo de cocina se puede lavar en el lavavajillas, esto se escribirá en el embalaje del producto. Sin embargo, no recomendamos lavar ningún cuchillo en el lavavajillas, ya que esto los hace romos y el material del mango se daña. En MyGoodKnife puedes encontrar el cuchillo de cocina perfecto para tu hogar o negocio, esto con las mejores marcas de cuchillería a nivel mundial, forjado sofisticado de hojas de corte y filo sublime que hace del rebanar alimentos una actividad casi recreativa. Utensilios de cocción: sartenes de cocina, ollas, moldes para hornear y más.

Cuchillos De Hoja Fija

El cuchillo de hoja fija se utiliza en muchas tareas y actividades. La categoría de cuchillos de hoja fija es una gama muy amplia de cuchillos para exteriores, tácticos y de uso diario. Si está buscando caza, pesca, lanzamiento o cuchillo finlandés tradicional, también puede encontrarlo aquí. Por lo general, casi todos los cuchillos de hoja fija tienen una funda. En nuestra gama, puede elegir un cuchillo adecuado para cualquier tarea, según sus preferencias en acero y materiales de mango. Ofrecemos cuchillos de hoja fija producidos por los mejores fabricantes de cuchillos: 5.11, Aitor, Beretta, Böker, Buck, Cold Steel, Extrema Ratio, Kizlyar, Marttiini, Ontario, TOPS y otros. Elija su cuchillo de hoja fija y se enviará de inmediato.

Navajas y cuchillos plegables

Un cuchillo ha sido una herramienta esencial en la vida cotidiana desde tiempos antiguos. Los cuchillos plegables aparecieron hace más de dos mil años. A menudo, un cuchillo de bolsillo es mucho más conveniente y práctico que un cuchillo con hoja fija. Hoy en día, los cuchillos plegables varían mucho en funcionalidad.

Tipos de cuchillos plegables

Dependiendo de tus necesidades, puedes elegir un cuchillo plegable con hoja serrada, un cuchillo de rescate, un elegante cuchillo de bolsillo, un trampero, navaja de bolsillo automática o un balisong - navaja mariposa. Todos estos tipos son muy famosos y pueden ser utilizados como cuchillos de utilidad. También existen tipos especiales de cuchillos de bolsillo como el cuchillo karambit plegable o el cuchillo japonés plegable tradicional. Hay varios tipos populares de perfiles de hoja para cuchillos plegables. El Drop Point, derivado de la palabra inglesa "drop", es uno de los perfiles de hoja más comunes. Tiene una línea de hoja descendente hacia la punta. El perfil Clip Point es similar al Drop Point, pero la parte superior de la hoja está cortada recta más cerca de la punta. Este perfil también es versátil. La hoja Spear Point, como sugiere el nombre, tiene una forma similar a la de una lanza. En los últimos años, los cuchillos de bolsillo con perfil de hoja "tanto" también se han vuelto populares. Otro tipo menos común es el Wharncliffe Point: una hoja con un borde recto y una espina curvada. Este tipo de hoja es adecuado para cortes rectos precisos, lo que lo hace conveniente para tallar, abrir paquetes o cartas. La hoja Sheepfoot, llamada así por su semejanza con el casco de una oveja, carece de un punto de perforación, lo que la hace segura.

Mecanismos de bloqueo en cuchillos plegables

En nuestra tienda, puedes comprar cuchillos plegables con varios mecanismos de bloqueo. El Slip Joint es el tipo más simple de bloqueo. Este bloqueo es estructuralmente simple, tiene un grosor pequeño y permite la creación de diseños de cuchillos de varias hojas o herramientas múltiples. Es un mecanismo de bloqueo confiable pero no muy duradero (se basa únicamente en la resistencia del resorte). Por lo tanto, los cuchillos con este tipo de bloqueo no son adecuados para trabajos pesados. El Backlock es esencialmente derivado del SlipJoint. Este bloqueo se basa en una palanca, con una palanca cargada por resorte en la parte posterior del mango que debe ser presionada para plegar o desplegar el cuchillo. El Liner Lock es uno de los mecanismos más utilizados. Se utiliza una placa de revestimiento como mecanismo de bloqueo, presionando contra el espigón de la hoja cuando está abierta. El Frame Lock opera bajo el mismo principio, pero la parte de bloqueo es una sección del mango. Las ventajas de estos bloqueos incluyen alta confiabilidad. En nuestra tienda, también puedes comprar cuchillos plegables con varios tipos de bloqueo: bloqueo de botón, bloqueo tri-ad, bloqueo de compresión, viroblock, bloqueo de eje, entre otros. El tipo de bloqueo se especifica en las especificaciones técnicas en la página de cada producto.

Mejores marcas de cuchillos plegables

Hay muchas marcas conocidas que fabrican cuchillos de bolsillo de alta calidad. Los cuchillos plegables más populares en el mercado mundial son 5.11, Al Mar, Böker, Buck, Case, Cold Steel, Quartermaster, SOG, Spyderco, Zero Tolerance, entre otros. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de cuchillos plegables Buck y grandes cuchillos de bolsillo Cold Steel.

Cuchillos Especiales

A veces, un cuchillo ordinario no es adecuado para la tarea. El buceo, el entrenamiento en artes marciales o el trabajo en el jardín requieren una herramienta especial. Aquí puede encontrar cuchillos especiales para diferentes necesidades: cuchillos de supervivencia y rescate, cuchillos de entrenamiento, cuchillos para hongos, cuchillos de buceo, cuchillos para contramaestre, cuchillos de jardín e incluso cuchillos para niños. Elige la herramienta adecuada para cada tarea.

Menaje de cocina

En nuestra tienda puede comprar no solo cuchillos, sino también utensilios de cocina necesarios para cocinar. Ofrecemos utensilios de cocina, cubiertos, tablas de cortar, molinos de sal y especias. Los utensilios de cocina y accesorios que se pueden comprar en nuestra tienda están diseñados tanto para uso doméstico como profesional. Los utensilios de cocina seleccionados adecuadamente harán que su comida sea aún más sabrosa.


Venta de Navajas de afeitar, Maquinillas, brochas.


Incluso un cuchillo hecho del mejor acero siempre requiere un afilado adecuado. En nuestro surtido encontraréis las herramientas para el afilado de los cuchillos ya embotados, así como para el mantenimiento constante del estado de trabajo del filo. La frecuencia de afilado depende de la frecuencia con la que use el cuchillo, así como de las propiedades del acero. Por ejemplo, los cuchillos de acero al carbono mantienen el afilado por más tiempo. Al elegir herramientas de afilado, preste atención al ángulo de afilado. Por lo tanto, los afiladores europeos estándar no son adecuados para cuchillos japoneses, ya que el ángulo de afilado de los cuchillos japoneses es más pequeño y es de aproximadamente 15 grados, mientras que los cuchillos europeos son de 20 grados. Para afilar cuchillos japoneses, recomendamos usar afiladores de fabricantes japoneses, piedras de afilar o musatas. Los musats también son la herramienta de molienda universal óptima para cualquier cuchillo. En nuestra tienda, puede comprar musats en línea, afiladores eléctricos, afiladores de cuchillos de cocina, afiladores de camping, piedras de afilar. Chairas y afiladores de cuchillos para el mantenimiento, afilado y cuidado de sus cuchillos de cocina.


The Outlet category includes products with minor manufacturing defects and/or packaging gefects. The discount is given exactly due to defect. Defects are usually can be repaired or do not significantly affect the quality of the product in generally. Items purchased in the Outlet section are non-exchangeable, non-refundable, and not covered by the warranty.

Machetes, martas y espadas

El machete ha sido utilizado normalmente como herramienta de trabajo debido a su poco peso y su manejo fácil. Cuchillo de un solo filo muy agudo, por lo que su uso como arma de supervivencia está cada vez más extendido.

Herramientas multiusos

Las herramientas multiusos son totalmente productivas en deportes de aventura por su gran variedad de usos. En esta sección podrás encontrar una enorme gama de herramientas multiusos, donde contamos con las mejores marcas del mercado de este sector como Victorinox.


Durante más de 3.000 años, el hombre ha utilizado tijeras en su vida cotidiana. Durante mucho tiempo, su diseño ha sufrido cambios. La invención del diseño moderno de las tijeras se atribuye a Leonardo da Vinci. Hoy en día, hay una gran cantidad de tipos de tijeras: desde manicura hasta hidráulica. En nuestra gama encontrará los modelos que pueden ser útiles en la vida cotidiana y en la cocina. En la tienda MyGoodKnife puede comprar tijeras para el hogar, Jardín y cocina de los principales fabricantes del mundo. Al elegir, por ejemplo, tijeras para la cocina, tenga en cuenta que generalmente están equipadas con algunas características adicionales: por ejemplo, un abrebotellas, una herramienta para cortar nueces. A menudo, las tijeras diseñadas para cortar aves de corral se dividen en dos para que sean fáciles de lavar. Las tijeras de Jardín, por el contrario, generalmente tienen una construcción completamente metálica sin detalles innecesarios y una forma redondeada de los mangos, para que sean fáciles de limpiar del Suelo y los desechos del Jardín. Tijeras de cocina y domésticas afiladas y precisas con mangos ergonómicos para cortar sin esfuerzo.

Carteles de chapa

Los letreros de estaño (Tin Signs) se utilizaron originalmente como letreros en tiendas, bancos, peluquerías, tiendas de comestibles. Además, tales letreros se colocaron tanto dentro como fuera. Fueron especialmente populares en los EE.UU. de los años 1930-40. Después de la segunda guerra mundial, el material principal para la fabricación de letreros fue el plástico y el vinilo. Y las placas de estaño se convirtieron rápidamente en un objeto de colección. Hoy en día, las placas de estaño son populares en todos los países del mundo y se utilizan como un elemento de decoración brillante. Carteles de chapa originales americanos. Certeles de chapa pueden ser una gran decoración para un garaje o de guaridas de hombre.


El Paracord es un tipo de cuerda de nylon muy resistente. Paracord es perfecto para tejer varias pulseras y cordones. El paracord también es ideal para trenzar cuerdas en caminatas. Ponemos a tu disposicion una amplia gama de Paracord del tipo Type III GSA Compliant. Paracord 550 resiste hasta 550 lb de peso. Se vende en paquetes de 30,48 m.

Pieles de Reno

La piel de ciervo es un artículo de lujo natural, versátil, acogedor y auténtico. La piel de reno se puede utilizar para decorar paredes interiores y exteriores, como revestimientos decorativos, ropa, almohadas y como aislamiento para asientos de motos de nieve. La piel de venado es un hermoso elemento decorativo que revela la historia de la naturaleza única de las regiones del norte. La piel de reno crea un ambiente y una sensación hogareña en un lugar que valora. Cada piel de ciervo es única, hecha a mano y cada una tiene su propia historia.

Ideas de regalos

En esta sección encontrarás las mejores ideas de regalos para hombres y mujeres. Por supuesto, cuchillos, y también diferentes accesorios útiles y cosas interesantes. ¿Qué regalar a un hombre: un cazador,un pescador o simplemente un amante de los cuchillos? Cuchillos coleccionables, multiherramientas originales, accesorios de su fabricante de cuchillos favorito, una alfombrilla de ratón especial e incluso vasos de chupito con bala. Aquí encontrará ideas de regalos realmente inusuales. Tales signos de atención realmente serán recordados. Los mejores regalos para mujeres incluyen no solo juegos de cuchillos de cocina, sino también, por ejemplo, cuchillos plegables con cristales o una pequeña multiherramienta con Moomins. Un regalo perfecto para los amigos sería un juego de cuchillos para carne o fondue. En nuestro surtido también encontrará cuchillos exclusivos y caros que pueden ser un regalo para quien lo tiene todo. Y, por supuesto, cuchillos de cocina de calidad en cajas de regalo, la mejor idea de regalo para todos.

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Longitud de la hoja
Staub Cast Iron Grill pan square 23 cm, Graphite grey 40511-729-0
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The ridges on the base of the Staub griddle pan collect excess fat to give your meat a lower fat and calorie content. Due to the characteristic grill pattern these ridges produce, meat will also look extremely appetising. The griddle pan is square in shape and has a side length of 23 cm. It is made from cast iron and is therefore ideal for browning meat and sealing it to produce a crisp, brown exterior, while keeping the meat inside tender and succulent. This griddle pan is also perfect for frying steak, hamburgers and other meat dishes. The pan features two practical handles on either side, which make it easy to handle whether you are cooking with it or using it as a stylish way to present delicious, low-calorie meat dishes on your table. The griddle pan can be used on all heat sources, including induction hobs and can also be placed in the oven if you want to stew the meat or melt some cheese on top of the dish. With this Staub griddle pan, a wide variety of delicious, healthy dishes are within your grasp.

Guaranteed grilling stripes thanks to the special grooves on the pan.
Perfectly juicy and tender frying of steaks, chicken and turkey fillets
Grilling grooves collect the fat
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
104,84 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Round Cocotte 20 cm, Black 40509-487-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.Cooking is a joy when using the round, black cocotte from the popular La Cocotte series. It looks good in any kitchen and dining area and will catch the eyes of your guests. Cocottes originate from France and are traditionally used for slow cooking. They are ideal not only for French specialties such as coq au vin, but also for other nation's recipes.

This Staub cocotte is around 14 cm high, 20 cm in diametre and has a 2.2 l capacity. It is made of cast iron, the ideal material for slow cooking. Cast iron retains heat for long periods and then gradually releases it during the cooking process. It is also very good at keeping food cold so is ideal for preparing desserts.

Cast-iron cookware is suitable for any type of oven and cooker including induction hobs. It is robust, resistant and easy to care for. These features are enhanced in Staub cocottes through their enamelled interiors. Enamel also brings out the aroma of food to produce delicious meals.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
156,45 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Cast Iron Grill pan rectangular 34 cm, Black 40509-343-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.With the rectangular Staub griddle pan, you can cook up a delicious steak with an authentic grilled flavour on your cooker in next to no time. The 34 x 21 cm pan features deep ridges on its base which collect excess fat and also give food that characteristic chargrilled stripe. With the rectangular Staub griddle pan, you will be able to make healthy, delicious meals with ease, and even in winter, nothing will come between you and a deliciously grilled steak. The cast iron used to make the griddle pan can be heated to a high temperature, an important requirement for frying meat as the surface of the meat is rapidly seared shut, keeping the inside succulent and tender.

Cast iron also retains heat very well and distributes it evenly so that meat is cooked all the way through. It can also be used to fry food gently if required. Cast iron has other benefits as well: it is, for instance, very robust and easy to care for, and is also suitable for all heat sources, including induction hobs. Because of its long, stable silicone handle, the griddle pan can be handled easily, while keeping your hands away from spitting fat. Thanks to this practical pan from Staub, you, your friends and family can enjoy delicious meat dishes straight from the grill at any time.
Guaranteed grilling stripes thanks to the special grooves on the pan.
Perfectly juicy and tender frying of steaks, chicken and turkey fillets
Grilling grooves collect the fat
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
Space-saving storage through collapsible handle
83,83 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Round Cocotte 20 cm, Mustard 40510-645-0
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Cooking is a joy when using the round, mustard cocotte from the popular La Cocotte series. It looks good in any kitchen and dining area and will catch the eyes of your guests. Cocottes originate from France and are traditionally used for slow cooking. They are ideal not only for French specialties such as coq au vin, but also for other nation's recipes. This Staub cocotte is around 14 cm high, 20 cm in diametre and has a 2.2 l capacity. It is made of cast iron, the ideal material for slow cooking. Cast iron retains heat for long periods and then gradually releases it during the cooking process. It is also very good at keeping food cold so is ideal for preparing desserts. Cast-iron cookware is suitable for any type of oven and cooker including induction hobs. It is robust, resistant and easy to care for. These features are enhanced in Staub cocottes through their enamelled interiors. Enamel also brings out the aroma of food to produce delicious meals. Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
156,45 €


Cuchillo de cocinacuchi ICEL Plane 8.5cm 961.KT07.08
ICEL cheese knife made of stainless steel. Suitable for hard and semi-hard cheeses.
9,67 €


Staub Cast Iron Grill Pan round 27 cm, Black 40509-426-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.The Staub cast iron grill pan has a round shape and diameter 27 cm. Its base features special grooves between which excess fan can run. These grooves give the meat stripes when it is fried, giving it a typical barbecued pattern – and tasting just as good. The excellent properties of cast iron are further improved by a matt black enamelled coating, as enamelled cast iron enhances the flavour of the food itself.

Staub cast iron grill pans are ideal for use on all kinds of cooker and even for induction hobs. These frying pans also lend themselves to being placed on the table for serving, as their handle is made of silicone and does not become hot. Use this practical and functional frying pan to fry fillets that you can then serve up to your family with fresh asparagus, potatoes and a crisp salad.
Guaranteed grilling stripes thanks to the special grooves on the pan.
Perfectly juicy and tender frying of steaks, chicken and turkey fillets
Grilling grooves collect the fat
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
Space-saving storage through collapsible handle
80,60 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Cast Iron Grill pan square 24 cm, Black 40509-344-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.The Staub cast iron grill pan has a square shape and measures 24 cm. Its base features special grooves between which excess fan can run. These grooves give the meat stripes when it is fried, giving it a typical barbecued pattern – and tasting just as good. The excellent properties of cast iron are further improved by a matt black enamelled coating, as enamelled cast iron enhances the flavour of the food itself.

Staub cast iron grill pans are ideal for use on all kinds of cooker and even for induction hobs. These frying pans also lend themselves to being placed on the table for serving, as their handle is made of silicone and does not become hot. Use this practical and functional frying pan to fry fillets that you can then serve up to your family with fresh asparagus, potatoes and a crisp salad.
Guaranteed grilling stripes thanks to the special grooves on the pan.
Perfectly juicy and tender frying of steaks, chicken and turkey fillets
Grilling grooves collect the fat
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
Space-saving storage through collapsible handle
80,60 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Square Grill pan 30 cm, Cherry 40501-111-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.Cast iron American grill pan, square with long handle and helper handle.

Cast iron American grill pan, square with long handle and helper handle.

With black enamel interior and cherry red enamelled exterior.
Cast iron American grill pan
30 x 30cm grill pan, excluding handles
Ribbed surface for caramelised grill marks
Suitable for use on all hob types, including induction
Can be used on the barbecue
Oven safe
For best results clean by hand
Made by STAUB in France
137,85 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Square Grill pan 26 cm, Cherry 40501-110-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.Cast iron American grill pan, square with long handle and helper handle.

With black enamel interior and cherry red enamelled exterior.
Cast iron American grill pan
26 x 26cm grill pan, excluding handles
Ribbed surface for caramelised grill marks
Suitable for use on all hob types, including induction
Can be used on the barbecue
Oven safe
For best results clean by hand
Made by STAUB in France
118,54 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Square Grill pan 30 cm, Graphite grey 40501-109-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.Cast iron American grill pan, square with long handle and helper handle.

With black enamel interior and grey enamelled exterior.
Cast iron American grill pan
30 x 30cm grill pan, excluding handles
Ribbed surface for caramelised grill marks
Suitable for use on all hob types, including induction
Can be used on the barbecue
Oven safe
For best results clean by hand
Made by STAUB in France
143,55 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Cuchillo de hoja fija Roselli Carpenter in caja de regalo 8.5cm R110P
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Roselli Carpenter knife R110 in a gift box with sharpening tool. A traditional whittling knife with a blade made from forged carbon steel and a birch handle coated with linseed oil. The Carpenter knife stays firmly in your grip even when wet and is suited for all kinds of work. The Carpenter knife comes with a simplistic, handcrafted sheath made from tanned leather. A very practical and simple Roselli knife.Measurements: the blade 85 mm, total 200 mm, weight 69g.
127,42 €

Shipping after 9-15 business days

Cuchillo de hoja fija Roselli Big Heimo in caja de regalo 10.1cm RW40P
Cuchillo Roselli Big Heimo RW40P en caja de regalo con piedra afiladora. El cuchillo Roselli Big Heimo es el modelo Aniversario de 2016. La hoja está hecha de acero ultra alto en carbono. La dureza de la hoja entre 64 - 66 HRC. Fulltang, largo de hoja 230mm, espesor 3,5mm, 175g. Blabe de 4". Bonito mango de teca con grapas de latón. En el extremo de la hoja, Roselli Big heimo tiene un orificio para la correa del reloj (no incl.). Caja de cuero con un resorte de metal, que mantiene la caja apretada. La caja está hecha con un nuevo anillo de metal y Eslabón para el cinturón. El cuchillo gira fácilmente a la posición correcta cuando está sentado. No se cae por sí solo. El cuchillo se adapta perfectamente para pescar, manejar animales, al aire libre, trabajos de carpintería, etc.
200,81 €


Cuchillo de cocinacuchi Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pro 18cm 38410-181-0
El cuchillo fileteador Zwilling J.A.Henckels 38410-181-0 es muy apropiado si es necesario cortar finísimas lonchas. Filetee los alimentos con precisión con la delgada hoja de 18 cm. Use el cuchillo fileteador de la serie ZWILLING Pro para cortar jamón y carne sin esfuerzo. Aunque puede también usarse para otras muchas labores de la cocina, como filetear pescado o cortar carne a rodajas. Gracias a la excepcional calidad de este utensilio podrá realizar con gran facilidad cualquier tarea en la cocina. La fórmula especial de acero ZWILLING obtiene cualidades excepcionales mejoradas con el proceso de endurecimiento al frío al que se somete la hoja, consiguiendo un afilado duradero y resistente a la corrosión. La hoja forjada de precisión tiene un filo exacto y permite cortar fácilmente todo tipo de alimentos. El mango ergonómico y la forma redondeada del cabezal aseguran que este cuchillo sea excepcionalmente cómodo de sujetar, mejorando por tanto su seguridad. 
70,97 €


Staub Round Cocotte 24 cm, Dark blue 40510-283-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.The dark blue cocotte from the La Cocotte range is exactly the right choice for you, if you want to create stews, casseroles or desserts with assured success. With a diameter of 24 cm and a volume of 3.8 litres, the cocotte is big enough for hosting large dinner parties. Thanks to its colour, it also matches any type of cookware and dinnerware.

The round Staub roaster is made of cast iron, which stores heat for a long time and slowly redistributes it. The cocotte is therefore particularly well suited for casserole recipes. The enamel coating reinforces this effect inside the cocotte and intensifies the food’s taste. That’s why even top chefs such as Paul Bocuse use Staub cocottes.

The cast iron of the dish stores heat well, and heats up cooled food slowly. You can also use the cocotte for cold desserts. The cocotte is also very resilient and easy to care for. It is also suitable for all types of cookers, including induction cookers. Use the Staub cocotte to spoil your loved ones with delicious stews, which will remain warm at the table.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
200,19 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Round Cocotte 24 cm, Basil 40509-356-0
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The basil cocotte from the La Cocotte range is exactly the right choice for you, if you want to create stews, casseroles or desserts with assured success. With a diameter of 24 cm and a volume of 3.8 litres, the cocotte is big enough for hosting large dinner parties. Thanks to its colour, it also matches any type of cookware and dinnerware. The round Staub roaster is made of cast iron, which stores heat for a long time and slowly redistributes it. The cocotte is therefore particularly well suited for casserole recipes. The enamel coating reinforces this effect inside the cocotte and intensifies the food’s taste. That’s why even top chefs such as Paul Bocuse use Staub cocottes. The cast iron of the dish stores heat well, and heats up cooled food slowly. You can also use the cocotte for cold desserts. The cocotte is also very resilient and easy to care for. It is also suitable for all types of cookers, including induction cookers. Use the Staub cocotte to spoil your loved ones with delicious stews, which will remain warm at the table. Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
202,42 €


Staub Round Cocotte 24 cm, Grenadine red 40509-357-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.The grenadine red cocotte from the La Cocotte range is exactly the right choice for you, if you want to create stews, casseroles or desserts with assured success. With a diameter of 24 cm and a volume of 3.8 litres, the cocotte is big enough for hosting large dinner parties. Thanks to its colour, it also matches any type of cookware and dinnerware.

The round Staub roaster is made of cast iron, which stores heat for a long time and slowly redistributes it. The cocotte is therefore particularly well suited for casserole recipes. The enamel coating reinforces this effect inside the cocotte and intensifies the food’s taste. That’s why even top chefs such as Paul Bocuse use Staub cocottes.

The cast iron of the dish stores heat well, and heats up cooled food slowly. You can also use the cocotte for cold desserts. The cocotte is also very resilient and easy to care for. It is also suitable for all types of cookers, including induction cookers. Use the Staub cocotte to spoil your loved ones with delicious stews, which will remain warm at the table.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
200,19 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Round Cocotte 24 cm, Cinnamon 40511-296-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.The cinnamon cocotte from the La Cocotte range is exactly the right choice for you, if you want to create stews, casseroles or desserts with assured success. With a diameter of 24 cm and a volume of 3.8 litres, the cocotte is big enough for hosting large dinner parties. Thanks to its colour, it also matches any type of cookware and dinnerware.

The round Staub roaster is made of cast iron, which stores heat for a long time and slowly redistributes it. The cocotte is therefore particularly well suited for casserole recipes. The enamel coating reinforces this effect inside the cocotte and intensifies the food’s taste. That’s why even top chefs such as Paul Bocuse use Staub cocottes.

The cast iron of the dish stores heat well, and heats up cooled food slowly. You can also use the cocotte for cold desserts. The cocotte is also very resilient and easy to care for. It is also suitable for all types of cookers, including induction cookers. Use the Staub cocotte to spoil your loved ones with delicious stews, which will remain warm at the table.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
200,19 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Round Cocotte 24 cm, Graphite grey 40500-246-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.The graphite grey cocotte from the La Cocotte range is exactly the right choice for you, if you want to create stews, casseroles or desserts with assured success. With a diameter of 24 cm and a volume of 3.8 litres, the cocotte is big enough for hosting large dinner parties. Thanks to its colour, it also matches any type of cookware and dinnerware.

The round Staub roaster is made of cast iron, which stores heat for a long time and slowly redistributes it. The cocotte is therefore particularly well suited for casserole recipes. The enamel coating reinforces this effect inside the cocotte and intensifies the food’s taste. That’s why even top chefs such as Paul Bocuse use Staub cocottes.

The cast iron of the dish stores heat well, and heats up cooled food slowly. You can also use the cocotte for cold desserts. The cocotte is also very resilient and easy to care for. It is also suitable for all types of cookers, including induction cookers. Use the Staub cocotte to spoil your loved ones with delicious stews, which will remain warm at the table.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
184,54 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Cuchillo de cocinacuchi Zwilling J.A.Henckels Pro 16cm 38405-161-0
Este útil cuchillo 38405-161-0 Zwilling J.A.Henckels tiene multitud de usos, es de gran ayuda y dará un toque final a su cocina.. Tanto si se usa para pelar verduras y eliminar pepitas, picar hierbas aromáticas, trinchar carne o filetear pescado, este versátil cuchillo cebollero de múltiples usos se hará un lugar en muchas cocinas y es especialmente recomendado para principiantes. Su hoja de 16cm es ancha y resistente y su filo liso. La gama ZWILLING Pro es reconocida porque sus cuchillos ofrecen un corte preciso y sin esfuerzo. La alta calidad de esta gama de cuchillos supone una ventaja al realizar las diversas técnicas de corte exigidas por la cocina actual. Los cuchillos ZWILLING están equilibrados con precisión milimétrica para conseguir un corte excepcional. Este proceso se potencia forjando cada cuchillo de la marca ZWILLING de una sola pieza con un acero máxima calidad y dándole un acabado usando una técnica única de endurecimiento al frío. Cualquiera de las técnicas de corte se beneficia del perfecto equilibrio de este cuchillo. El mango, de plástico liso y ergonómico, garantiza que el cuchillo cebollero ZWILLING Pro se ajuste perfectamente a la mano, mientras que el cabezal protector evita que los dedos resbalen hacia la hoja. 
79,84 €

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Staub Round Cocotte 24 cm, Cherry 40509-835-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.The cherry cocotte from the La Cocotte range is exactly the right choice for you, if you want to create stews, casseroles or desserts with assured success. With a diameter of 24 cm and a volume of 3.8 litres, the cocotte is big enough for hosting large dinner parties. Thanks to its colour, it also matches any type of cookware and dinnerware.

The round Staub roaster is made of cast iron, which stores heat for a long time and slowly redistributes it. The cocotte is therefore particularly well suited for casserole recipes. The enamel coating reinforces this effect inside the cocotte and intensifies the food’s taste. That’s why even top chefs such as Paul Bocuse use Staub cocottes.

The cast iron of the dish stores heat well, and heats up cooled food slowly. You can also use the cocotte for cold desserts. The cocotte is also very resilient and easy to care for. It is also suitable for all types of cookers, including induction cookers. Use the Staub cocotte to spoil your loved ones with delicious stews, which will remain warm at the table.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of meat, fish or vegetables
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
184,54 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Oval Cocotte 29 cm, Cherry 40509-857-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.This cherry oval cocotte is made from enamelled cast iron. This combination of material is excellent at retaining heat which it then disperses gradually and evenly. Pots of this type are therefore ideal for the slow cooking of food to prevent the loss of nutrients. Enamelled cast iron is also ideal for bringing out the aroma of food to give your meals a distinctive flavour.

Staub cocottes can be used on induction as well as any other type of hob. It is also suitable for ovens with two handles to make carrying easy. The cocotte comes with a lid with a drop structure on its underside to capture rising condensation and evenly drizzle it back over the cooking food. Extra liquid is therefore not required when using a cocotte from Staub.

The oval cocotte is 29 cm wide, 15 cm high including lid, and has a 4.2 l capacity. It looks stylish both in the kitchen and on the table and is popular as a serving utensil. The pot originates from France and is ideal for delicious recipes ranging from goulashes to ratatouilles.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of roasts and whole chickens
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
200,19 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days

Staub Oval Cocotte 29 cm, Black 40509-315-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.This black oval cocotte is made from enamelled cast iron. This combination of material is excellent at retaining heat which it then disperses gradually and evenly. Pots of this type are therefore ideal for the slow cooking of food to prevent the loss of nutrients. Enamelled cast iron is also ideal for bringing out the aroma of food to give your meals a distinctive flavour.

Staub cocottes can be used on induction as well as any other type of hob. It is also suitable for ovens with two handles to make carrying easy. The cocotte comes with a lid with a drop structure on its underside to capture rising condensation and evenly drizzle it back over the cooking food. Extra liquid is therefore not required when using a cocotte from Staub.

The oval cocotte is 29 cm wide, 15 cm high including lid, and has a 4.2 l capacity. It looks stylish both in the kitchen and on the table and is popular as a serving utensil. The pot originates from France and is ideal for delicious recipes ranging from goulashes to ratatouilles.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of roasts and whole chickens
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
200,19 €

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Staub Oval Cocotte 29 cm, Dark blue 40510-288-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.This dark blue oval cocotte is made from enamelled cast iron. This combination of material is excellent at retaining heat which it then disperses gradually and evenly. Pots of this type are therefore ideal for the slow cooking of food to prevent the loss of nutrients. Enamelled cast iron is also ideal for bringing out the aroma of food to give your meals a distinctive flavour.

Staub cocottes can be used on induction as well as any other type of hob. It is also suitable for ovens with two handles to make carrying easy. The cocotte comes with a lid with a drop structure on its underside to capture rising condensation and evenly drizzle it back over the cooking food. Extra liquid is therefore not required when using a cocotte from Staub.

The oval cocotte is 29 cm wide, 15 cm high including lid, and has a 4.2 l capacity. It looks stylish both in the kitchen and on the table and is popular as a serving utensil. The pot originates from France and is ideal for delicious recipes ranging from goulashes to ratatouilles.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of roasts and whole chickens
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
215,83 €

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Staub Oval Cocotte 29 cm, Basil 40509-363-0
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.This basil oval cocotte is made from enamelled cast iron. This combination of material is excellent at retaining heat which it then disperses gradually and evenly. Pots of this type are therefore ideal for the slow cooking of food to prevent the loss of nutrients. Enamelled cast iron is also ideal for bringing out the aroma of food to give your meals a distinctive flavour.

Staub cocottes can be used on induction as well as any other type of hob. It is also suitable for ovens with two handles to make carrying easy. The cocotte comes with a lid with a drop structure on its underside to capture rising condensation and evenly drizzle it back over the cooking food. Extra liquid is therefore not required when using a cocotte from Staub.

The oval cocotte is 29 cm wide, 15 cm high including lid, and has a 4.2 l capacity. It looks stylish both in the kitchen and on the table and is popular as a serving utensil. The pot originates from France and is ideal for delicious recipes ranging from goulashes to ratatouilles.

Ideal for searing and slow cooking of roasts and whole chickens
Juicy and tender cooking result thanks to the lid’s special drip structure
The matt black inner enamelling is ideal for particularly crisp searing and is especially durable
Suitable for all types of hobs, incl. induction, can also be used in the oven/grill
215,83 €

Shipping after 10-20 business days