Cuchillos Yanagiba

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Seki Kanetsugu para sushi 27cm 4023
Seki Kanetsugu Yanagiba 4023 27 cm es un cuchillo de cocina tradicional japonés para sushi y sashimi. En este cuchillo la hoja sólo está afilada por un lado, es decir, la hoja es para diestros. La hoja del cuchillo está hecha de acero inoxidable DSR1K6 (fabricado por Daido Steel Co., Ltd.). El mango negro está fabricado de goma resistente al calor. Instrucciones de cuidado: no lave el cuchillo en el lavavajillas, no lo deje en agua, no lo limpie con líquidos ácidos. Secar el cuchillo a mano: esto debe hacerse inmediatamente después de lavarlo con un paño de cocina limpio. Si desea cortar pescado u otros productos en trozos muy finos, comprar un cuchillo Yanagiba es la mejor solución.
59,68 €

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Cuchillo Japones Daisuke Nishida Shirogami Bocote 16.5cm DN-11211
El cuchillo Funayuki DN-11211 está forjado por Daisuke Nishida y es uno de los mejores y magníficos ejemplos de cuchillos japoneses. La hoja de 165 mm está fabricada en acero al carbono Shirogami No. 1 mediante soldadura por forja con un revestimiento negro. El Daisuke Nishida Funayuki tiene un mango octogonal de nogal con un anillo de arce. El bolster en madera de ébano de Macassar. Mango ergonómico fabricado en micarta. Funayuki fue utilizado originalmente por los pescadores para preparar comidas en el mar.  Funayuki combina el aspecto de un deba, un nakiri y un yanagiba. No cortar alimentos congelados o huesos.Lava tu cuchillo con agua templada y una esponja suave. Si es necesario utiliza detergente neutro. Seca completamente el cuchillo con un paño suave. Nunca lo laves en el lavavajillas. Mantén afilado tu cuchillo utilizando piedras de afilar de alta calidad y con el grit adecuado.
137,10 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 21cm IJF-15123
Este cuchillo de sushi de Ittetsu tiene una hoja soldada de forja de 210 mm hecha de acero al carbono Shirogami #2. El peso es de 350 g. El mango de forma ovalada está hecho de madera de magnolia. Los cuchillos Yanagiba se utilizan principalmente para cortar filetes de pescado deshuesados para platos de Sashimi y Sushi. El acero al carbono es susceptible a la oxidación y debe mantenerse seco y limpio en todo momento para evitar la oxidación y la decoloración. Lavar a mano con agua tibia y secar con una toalla. Los cuchillos Ittetsu están hechos a mano en la ciudad de Echizen, Japón.
133,06 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 18cm IJF-15122
Este cuchillo Yanagiba de Ittetsu tiene una hoja soldada de forja de 180 mm hecha de acero al carbono Shirogami #2. El peso es de 310 g. El mango de forma ovalada está hecho de madera de magnolia. Los cuchillos Yanagiba se utilizan principalmente para cortar filetes de pescado deshuesados para platos de Sashimi y Sushi. El acero al carbono es susceptible a la oxidación y debe mantenerse seco y limpio en todo momento para evitar la oxidación y la decoloración. Lavar a mano con agua tibia y secar con una toalla. Los cuchillos Ittetsu están hechos a mano en la ciudad de Echizen, Japón.
125,00 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 27cm IJF-15125
Este cuchillo yanagiba de Ittetsu tiene una hoja soldada de forja de 270 mm hecha de acero al carbono Shirogami #2. Cuchillo Yanagiba (Sashimi) es el cuchillo ideal para cortar sushi, para sashimi, cortar a medida, filetear, etc. El mango de forma ovalada está hecho de madera de magnolia. El acero al carbono es susceptible a la oxidación y debe mantenerse seco y limpio en todo momento para evitar la oxidación y la decoloración. Lavar a mano con agua tibia y secar con una toalla. Los cuchillos Ittetsu están hechos a mano en la ciudad de Echizen, Japón.
185,48 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 24cm IJF-15124
Este cuchillo yanagiba de Ittetsu tiene una hoja soldada de forja de 240 mm hecha de acero al carbono Shirogami #2. Cuchillo Yanagiba (Sashimi) es el cuchillo ideal para cortar sushi, para sashimi, cortar a medida, filetear, etc. El mango de forma ovalada está hecho de madera de magnolia. El acero al carbono es susceptible a la oxidación y debe mantenerse seco y limpio en todo momento para evitar la oxidación y la decoloración. Lavar a mano con agua tibia y secar con una toalla. Los cuchillos Ittetsu están hechos a mano en la ciudad de Echizen, Japón.
136,29 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Hideo Kitaoka 11 Shirogami Layers 27cm CN-4209
Cuchillo de sushi Yanagiba de Mr. Hideo Kitaoka con 11 capas de un gran acero al carbono Shirogami en la hoja de 27 cm. Mango de madera de rosenwood natural. El Yanagiba es un cuchillo japonés de un solo bisel, diseñado originalmente para sushi y sashimi. Hideo Kitaoka en Takefu, provincia de Fukui, se especializa en la producción de cuchillos de cocina de un solo filo de alta calidad. Por favor, use sus cuchillos de carbón con cuidado. No se recomienda para tales cuchillos: lavar en el lavavajillas , dejarlo en agua, limpiar con líquidos ácidos, cortar frutas ácidas como el limón. Seque el cuchillo a mano: Esto debe hacerse inmediatamente después de lavarlo con un paño de cocina limpio. Frote con aceite mineral. Si notas manchas de óxido, frota una capa ligera de aceite mineral y deja secar.
257,26 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 para personas zurdas 27cm IJF-11125L
The japanese knife Ittetsu Yanagiba Forge-welded Shirogami 2 for left-handed IJF-11125L with 270 mm blade. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. Forge-welded blade is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Rub with mineral oil. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
205,65 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 para personas zurdas 24cm IJF-11124L
The japanese knife Ittetsu Yanagiba Forge-welded Shirogami 2 for left-handed IJF-11124L with 240 mm blade. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. Forge-welded blade is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Rub with mineral oil. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
152,42 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 para personas zurdas 21cm IJF-11123L
The japanese knife Ittetsu Yanagiba Forge-welded Shirogami 2 for left-handed IJF-11123L with 210 mm blade. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Forge-welded blade is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Rub with mineral oil. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
141,13 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Stamped Shirogami 2 30cm IJS-11126
 Polished blade the knife Ittetsu Yanagiba IJS-11126 is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. The blade lenght is 300 mm. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
120,97 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Hideo Kitaoka 11 Shirogami Layers 21cm CN-4207
Handmade yanagiba knife by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka with 11 layers of a great Shirogami carbon steel on the 21 cm blade. Handle made of a natural rosenwood. The Yanagiba is a Japanese single-beveled knife, originally designed for sushi and sashimi. Hideo Kitaoka in Takefu, Fukui Province specializes in the production of high-quality single-edged kitchen knives. Please, use your carbon knives carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
193,55 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Hideo Kitaoka Shirogami 24cm CN-2208
Handmade yanagiba knife by Mr. Hideo Kitaoka with a great Shirogami carbon steel on the 24 cm blade. Handle made of a natural pakkawood. The Yanagiba is a Japanese single-beveled knife, originally designed for sushi and sashimi. Hideo Kitaoka in Takefu, Fukui Province specializes in the production of high-quality single-edged kitchen knives. Please, use your carbon knives carefully. It is not recommended for such knives - to wash in dishwasher, to leave it in water, to clean by acid liquids, to cut acid fruits like lemon. Hand-dry your knife: This should be done immediately after washing with a clean dishtowel. Rub with mineral oil. If you notice any rust spots, rub a light layer of mineral oil and let dry.
145,16 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 24cm IJF-11424
The japanese knife Ittetsu Yanagiba IJF-11424 with 240 mm blade. The rosewood handle is both beautiful and practical. Forge-welded blade is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Rub with mineral oil. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
152,42 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 33cm IJF-11127
The japanese knife Ittetsu Yanagiba IJF-11127 with 330 mm blade. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Forge-welded blade is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Rub with mineral oil. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
233,87 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 30cm IJF-11126
The japanese knife Ittetsu Yanagiba IJF-11126 with 300 mm blade. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Forge-welded blade is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Rub with mineral oil. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
192,74 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 24cm IJF-11124
The japanese knife Ittetsu Yanagiba IJF-11124 with 240 mm blade. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. Forge-welded blade is made from made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Rub with mineral oil. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
111,29 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 21cm IJF-11123
The japanese knife Ittetsu Yanagiba IJF-11123 with 210 mm blade. Forge-welded blade is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Rub with mineral oil. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
99,19 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Forge-welded Shirogami 2 18cm IJF-11122
The japanese knife Ittetsu Yanagiba IJF-11122 with 180 mm blade. Forge-welded blade is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Rub with mineral oil. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
96,77 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Uraoshi Stamped Shirogami 2 27cm IJS-11125
Polished blade the knife Ittetsu Uraoshi Yanagiba IJS-11125 is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. The blade lenght is 270mm. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
96,77 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ittetsu Uraoshi Stamped Shirogami 2 24cm IJS-11124
The japanese knife Ittetsu Uraoshi Yanagiba IJS-11124  with 240mm blade.  Polished blade is made of Shirogami #2 carbon steel. Handle is made from magnolia and has good water resistance. This knife has a bevel on only one side of the blade, to help achieve even slices. Carbon steel is susceptible to rust and must be kept dry and clean at all time’s to avoid oxidation and discolouration. Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. Ittetsu knives are handmade in Echizen city, Japan.
79,03 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ryusen Hamono Houenryu 27cm HE-308
Yanagiba Houenryu is an exclusive knife created by Ryusen Hamono to commemorate the opening of their impressive new factory and boutique in Echizen, Fukui Prefecture. The blade is completely made of Damascus steel, which consists of stainless VG-10 and VG-2. The backside of the knife is thinner than on most yanagi knives and gives a sharper edge to the touch and makes it easier to slide over fish. The handle is crafted from a solid piece of walnut wood with a mosaic pin on one side and the Ryusen logo on the other. The knife comes in a beautiful box with.
2.580,65 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Ryusen Hamono Houenryu 30cm HE-302
Yanagiba Houenryu is an exclusive knife created by Ryusen Hamono to commemorate the opening of their impressive new factory and boutique in Echizen, Fukui Prefecture. The blade is completely made of Damascus steel, which consists of stainless VG-10 and VG-2. The backside of the knife is thinner than on most yanagi knives and gives a sharper edge to the touch and makes it easier to slide over fish. The handle is crafted from a solid piece of maple wood with a mosaic pin on one side and the Ryusen logo on the other. The knife comes in a beautiful box.
2.661,29 €

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Cuchillo Japones Yanagiba Sukenari 2 layers VG10 27cm S-1012
Sukenari Yanagiba knife. Blade length is 270 mm. Traditional Japanese octagonal magnolia handle. Blade of this Sukenari knife is made of VG10 steel (3 layers). This Sukenari yanagiba japanese knife is not allowed to wash by dishwasher. Japanese kitchen knives have very hard, but thin blade. It is not allowed to cut by japanese chef knives bones and meat with bones, coconuts and other nuts, other hard products.
321,77 €

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En nuestra tienda puedes comprar cuchillos para sushi y sashimi de los mejores fabricantes japoneses. Yanagiba significa "hoja de sauce". Este es un cuchillo de cocina largo con un solo lado afilado. Yanagiba es una herramienta de cocina indispensable para hacer filetes de pescado, sushi y sashimi. La longitud de la hoja de yanagiba es generalmente de 27-33 cm. Tenga en cuenta que muchos modelos están hechos de acero de alto carbono. Tales cuchillos mantienen el afilado necesario para el corte fino de pescado durante mucho tiempo. Sin embargo, los cuchillos hechos de este acero requieren un cuidado especial: deben lavarse a mano y secarse inmediatamente después de su uso. Para el cuidado, se recomienda usar aceite de Camelia.