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-10% Agotado
Cuchillo de cocina Zwilling J.A.Henckels Twin Pollux Petty 13cm 30720-131-0
El cuchillo universal TwinPollux combina un diseño tradicional a la vez que moderno con materiales de primera calidad. Tanto aficionados como cocineros profesionales se sorprenderán con este utensilio. El uso de materiales de primera calidad se evidencia en la elaboración del cuchillo. Está fabricado con acero de fórmula especial ZWILLING que alea óptimamente el contenido de cromo y carbono. El cuchillo tiene también hoja FRIODUR endurecida al frío para obtener mayor resistencia y afilado. Este moderno cuchillo de estilo tradicional con tres remaches posee un balance óptimo. El mango, embellecido con el logotipo ZWILLING está diseñado ergonómicamente y encaja cómodamente en la mano. Con la ayuda de este cuchillo universal de la serie Twin Pollux cortará los alimentos sin el menor esfuerzo y obtendrá una útil herramienta para completar el menaje de su cocina.
26,13 €
29,03 €


-10% Agotado
Cuchillo de cocina Zwilling J.A.Henckels Twin Cuisine 20cm
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This bread knife from the TWIN® Cuisine range has a blade that is the perfect length for every type of bread and also reliably cuts other solid foods.
In order to achieve a balanced blade geometry in this bread knife, it is forged from a single piece of steel. A special ice-hardening process further refines the FRIODUR® knife, which boasts impressive corrosion resistance and cutting edge retention as a result. The handling and functionality of the bread knife are also outstanding. Blade, bolster and tang are made of a single piece, avoiding irritating transitions. The full tang, the extension of the blade in the handle, is mounted transverse. As a result, the handling is not compromised by joining rivets.
The bolster, the joining piece between blade and tang, ensures a smooth transition in this knife. It weighs down the knife and ensures perfect balance, which can be noticed in the cutting characteristics. It also serves to protect your fingers. This practical kitchen knife from ZWILLING, which has already convinced professional chefs the world over, ensures a clean cut in your kitchen too.
71,86 €
79,84 €


-10% Agotado
Juego de cuchillos de cocina Marttiini Luxus Roast 1483012
El cuchillo y el tenedor para asar de Marttiini son un juego de trinchar ideal tanto para la cocina como para la mesa. Los mangos de abedul tratado térmicamente ofrecen comodidad y estilo. Un regalo perfecto presentado en una hermosa caja de regalo de madera con tapa deslizable.
72,51 €
80,56 €


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Cuchillo de cocina Sujihiki Seki Kanetsugu Pro-M 24cm 7009
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Seki Kanetsugu Sujihiki Pro-M 7009 - slicing kitchen knife. The blade is made of Molybdenum alloy high carbon stainless steel with traditional"Hamaguri ba" (Convex edge grind), the edge that made Japanese swords famous, for an outstanding sharpness and durability,and yet easy to resharpen.
Since introducing the Kanetsugu Pro M series , Seki Kanetsugu has received a positive reputation for their unique Round Shape of Black Pakka wood handle for comfortable grip, well balanced and practical shape. You might have not been familiar with this shape of the handle and the blade edge (Convex edge). Mr. Kawamura (President of Kanetsugu company) has spent numerous times to research and study to produce the best performance chef knives.Recomeneded for both - Home Chefs to Pro Chefs who demand extra sharpness and cutting performance for the sophisticated cooking life.
63,86 €
70,96 €


-10% Agotado
Cuchillo de cocina Seki Kanetsugu Pro-M 14.5cm 7008
Cuchillo Honesuki de la serie Pro M Seki Kanetsugu. Los cuchillos de la serie Kanetsugu Pro M están hechos de acero inoxidable al molibdeno, lo que hace que el cuchillo sea ultra asequible. Tratado térmicamente a 58 HRC, el rectificado es extremadamente fino para esta dureza y el rendimiento de corte es similar al del láser. En comparación con otros cuchillos en este rango de precios, Kanetsugu Pro M tiene un excelente nivel de ajuste y acabado. El mango de pakkawood con refuerzo integrado está bien pulido.
59,52 €
66,13 €


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Cuchillo de cocina Gyuto Seki Kanetsugu Pro-M chef 21cm 7005
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The blade is made of Molybdenum alloy high carbon stainless steel with traditional"Hamaguri ba" (Convex edge grind), the edge that made Japanese swords famous, for an outstanding sharpness and durability,and yet easy to resharpen. It is heat treated and then Sub Zero quenched. which refrigerates the blade to 70 degrees for longer edge retention and strength to brittleness and m handle1.jpg Since introducing the Kanetsugu Pro M series two years ago, Seki Kanetsugu has received a positive reputation for their unique Round Shape of Black Pakka wood handle for comfortable grip, well balanced and practical shape. You might have not been familiar with this shape of the handle and the blade edge (Convex edge). Mr. Kawamura (President of Kanetsugu company) has spent numerous times to research and study to produce the best performance chef knives. Recomeneded for both - Home Chefs to Pro Chefs who demand extra sharpness and cutting performance for the sophisticated cooking life.
68,22 €
75,80 €


-10% Agotado
Cuchillo de cocina Gyuto Seki Kanetsugu Pro-M chef 18cm 7004
La hoja está hecha de acero inoxidable de alto carbono de aleación de molibdeno con el tradicional"Hamaguri ba" (rectificado de bordes convexos), el borde que hizo famosas las espadas japonesas, para una nitidez y durabilidad excepcionales, y sin embargo, fácil de afilar. Se trata térmicamente y luego se apaga bajo cero. que refrigera la cuchilla a 70 grados para una mayor retención de los bordes y resistencia a la fragilidad y m handle1.jpg Desde la introducción de la serie Kanetsugu Pro M hace dos años, Seki Kanetsugu ha recibido una reputación positiva por su forma redonda única de mango de madera Pakka negra para un agarre cómodo, una forma práctica y bien equilibrada. Es posible que no esté familiarizado con esta forma del mango y el borde de la hoja (borde convexo). Kawamura (Presidente de Kanetsugu company) ha dedicado numerosas veces a investigar y estudiar para producir los cuchillos de chef de mejor rendimiento. Recomendado tanto para chefs caseros como para Chefs profesionales que exigen una nitidez y un rendimiento de corte adicionales para la vida culinaria sofisticada.
56,61 €
62,90 €


-10% Agotado
Cuchillo de cocina Seki Kanetsugu Pro-M Petty 13cm 7001
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The blade is made of Molybdenum alloy high carbon stainless steel with traditional"Hamaguri ba" (Convex edge grind), the edge that made Japanese swords famous, for an outstanding sharpness and durability,and yet easy to resharpen. It is heat treated and then Sub Zero quenched. which refrigerates the blade to 70 degrees for longer edge retention and strength to brittleness and m handle1.jpg Since introducing the Kanetsugu Pro M series two years ago, Seki Kanetsugu has received a positive reputation for their unique Round Shape of Black Pakka wood handle for comfortable grip, well balanced and practical shape. You might have not been familiar with this shape of the handle and the blade edge (Convex edge). Mr. Kawamura (President of Kanetsugu company) has spent numerous times to research and study to produce the best performance chef knives. Recomeneded for both - Home Chefs to Pro Chefs who demand extra sharpness and cutting performance for the sophisticated cooking life.
39,92 €
44,35 €


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Cuchillo de cocina Gyuto Seki Kanetsugu Pro-S 27cm 5007
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The gyuto chef knife Seki Kanetsugu. The 270 mm blade is made of Molybdenum alloy high carbon stainless steel with traditional "Hamaguri ba" (Convex edge grind), the edge that made Japanese swords famous, for an outstanding sharpness and durability, and yet easy to resharpen. It is heat treated and then Sub Zero quenched, which refrigerates the blade to 70 degrees for longer edge retention and strength to brittleness and chipping. Seki Kanetsugu now pleased to add the Stainless steel Hollow Handle version. Light weight, yet Well balanced 18-8 Hollow Stainless steel handle has traditional Katana Handle Pattern (The pattern also makes non-slip grip) and comfortable Round shape grip. Advantage of Stainless steel handle is sanitary, seamless and has good durability, does not get shrinked ulike wooden handle. It's good idea and design of Pro S Katana style handle, as it perfectly matches with Katana sharpness of Pro S special Hamaguri convex edge blade. This could be a special weapon for chefs.
63,18 €
70,20 €


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Cuchillo de cocina Santoku Seki Kanetsugu Pro-S 17cm 5003
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Santoku Seki Kanetsugu kitchen knife. The blade is made of Molybdenum alloy high carbon stainless steel with traditional "Hamaguri ba" (Convex edge grind), the edge that made Japanese swords famous, for an outstanding sharpness and durability, and yet easy to resharpen. It is heat treated and then Sub Zero quenched, which refrigerates the blade to 70 degrees for longer edge retention and strength to brittleness and chipping. Seki Kanetsugu now pleased to add the Stainless steel Hollow Handle version. Light weight, yet Well balanced 18-8 Hollow Stainless steel handle has traditional Katana Handle Pattern (The pattern also makes non-slip grip) and comfortable Round shape grip. Advantage of Stainless steel handle is sanitary, seamless and has good durability, does not get shrinked ulike wooden handle. It's good idea and design of Pro S Katana style handle, as it perfectly matches with Katana sharpness of Pro S special Hamaguri convex edge blade. This could be a special weapon for chefs.
50,08 €
55,64 €


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Cuchillo de cocina Martinez&Gascon Madera Panadero 20.5cm 1858
For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in one of the available alternative languages.Ideal for family breakfasts and restaurants where there are large quantities of bread, toast, French toast, sandwiches.
27,57 €
30,63 €


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Cuchillo de cocina Martinez&Gascon Madera 23cm 1855
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A utility knife used highly by professional and amateur cooks making it indispensable in any kitchen.
28,31 €
31,45 €


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Cuchillo de cocina Kyocera en conjunto FK140WH+CSN202 SET-RD
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Santoku and Slicer Set
47,70 €
53,00 €
